Recommendations For The Relief Of Dry Cough

Dry cough is a very common annoyance that can affect a person’s quality of life. It is a symptom that does not have a single cause, but rather several, such as asthma, allergies, tobacco use or upper respiratory infections, for example.

Many times, when you try to relieve it, it escalates. What is there to do then? The most advisable thing is to go to the doctor. 

Once you have the diagnosis and the treatment to follow, you can put some additional measures into practice, which we will comment on throughout the article.

Some questions about coughing

Elisabet Font, pharmacist and author of Drugs for the treatment of cough , explains:

Then, it is understood that the cough comes to be a reflection of the organism that tries to expel what causes discomfort. It is an involuntary, noisy and repetitive action.

Woman with sore throat

Pay attention to the other symptoms

In the event that the cough lasts for a long time and is increasingly bothersome, even exceeding 3 weeks, it is best to go to the doctor. Especially if the discomfort is accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, green discharge and fever.

For no reason should the symptoms be ignored or resort to self-medication, since a poorly attended cough can lead to complications related to pulmonary processes and the pharynx.

How to relieve a dry cough?

To relieve a dry cough, in addition to following the doctor’s instructions, it is advisable to implement the following measures:

1. Stay hydrated

Drink enough water

A remedy available to everyone, easy and effective is undoubtedly water.   It is important to hydrate the body when there is an irritating cough, so that the throat is hydrated and helps to expel the germs that lodge in the respiratory system.

It should be noted that it is a constant task: you have to make it a routine to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, in addition to hot infusions.

2. Hot shower

A long, hot shower is a good way to relieve a dry throat and therefore a cough. The hec Ho to inhale the steam provides relief whereby the intensity of the discomfort will decrease.

If you don’t just want to take a quick shower, you can set up a separate steam bath.

3. Keep the environment humid

In many situations the dry cough can be intensified by sudden changes in temperature. Inside the home, the ideal is to maintain the humidity of the environment. Some recommendations:

  • Place a humidifier device in the areas where you spend the most time.
  • Ventilate all rooms well on a daily basis. 

4. Drink hot infusions

Recommendations For The Relief Of Dry Cough

Hot drinks are very comforting when you have discomfort such as a dry cough. Some herbal teas can be very useful, since they  act as suppressants, that is, they block the effect when coughing.

  • Peppermint:  menthol helps any substance that is stuck to the lungs soften.
  • Thyme: its antiseptic properties attack germs that lodge in the respiratory tract.
  • Ginger: it is an antihistamine that eliminates the effects of allergies.
  • Elderberry: works as an antiviral.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before consuming these infusions, as in some cases they may have side effects and interactions.

Other recommendations

  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Use a room humidifier.
  • Ventilate the room where you rest every day well.
  • Wrap up warm to protect yourself from changes in temperature.
  • Try to get enough rest and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and try to eat several pieces of fruit throughout the day.
  • Do not share food or eating utensils with anyone. Neither thermos or glasses. 
  • Avoid entering closed spaces, little or not at all ventilated and full of dust.
  • To avoid infecting others, do not cough on your hands, but on one of your shoulders.
  • Avoid the consumption of irritating substances, such as tobacco, as well as strong odors in general.
  • If you wish, you can sleep with your head slightly higher than your body, so that you can breathe better.

Remember that, in addition to all the measures mentioned here, you should always follow your doctor’s instructions. Additionally, do not forget that, if you have any concerns, the ideal is to discuss it with the professional, before taking measures on your own.

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