Review Of Home Remedies To Increase Defenses

In the face of colds, infections and other health problems, people do not hesitate twice and ask what are the home remedies to increase the defenses. All this to obtain relief in a short time and avoid the use of drugs, in addition to the respective visit to the doctor.

These remedies not only promise to strengthen the immune system, but to provide a protective barrier against future diseases, thus resulting in miraculous products that even help prevent fatigue. For the most part, the remedies are made up of a long list of plants and foods.

Home remedies to increase defenses

Ginger, honey, royal jelly, omega 3 fatty acids, brewer’s yeast, propolis, and garlic have been touted as great protectors against disease. The following foods and plants are also often mentioned:

1. Ginseng

Review Of Home Remedies To Increase Defenses

This root is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and it is often said that it is effective in increasing defenses, since in its composition there are substances that can stimulate the immune system.

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2. Astragalus

Astragalus properties

Astragalus root is another of the home remedies to increase defenses and treat some common viral infections, such as colds or the common cold.

Its most significant effect is said to be to help stimulate the production of white blood cells; It also increases the levels of a natural compound that the body produces to keep viruses away, this compound is known as interferon. Additionally, it is indicated that astragalus should be consumed in the form of tea, cooking its root, twice a day.

3. Echinacea

Review Of Home Remedies To Increase Defenses

Echinacea is an herb native to America and has been widely used by indigenous people to increase the body’s defenses. Especially during the cold season. According to this belief, it should be consumed in the form of tea, but it can also be found in capsules.

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4. Green tea

Green tea offers multiple health benefits.

Green tea is another of the home remedies to increase defenses and prevent diseases (such as the flu) due to its high content of vitamin C and antioxidants. 


In relation to home remedies to increase defenses, Julio Basulto explains the following:

And clarifies:

In short, although many home remedies promise wonders, to enjoy good health the ideal is to always follow the doctor’s instructions, consult with him in case of doubts or concerns and, of course, maintain good lifestyle habits.

There are home remedies that comfort us and that can help us feel better in cases of cold or other ailments, such as a good chicken and vegetable soup. It is valid to resort to this type of solution to complement a treatment but not to rely on it to heal.

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