4 Signs Of Your Menstrual Period That You Should Not Ignore

There are signs during the menstrual period that may be alerting you to something. Differentiating those that are normal and common from those that are not is essential to avoid major problems.

Does your belly hurt when you have your period? Do you feel more like going to the bathroom? This is totally normal. However, there are signs of the menstrual period that you should not ignore. On many occasions, they may be warning about something more serious.

If you have any strange symptoms or pain, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. If you diagnose that the symptoms are normal, at least, you will be calmer. The problem is that everything tends to normalize, and certain symptoms are justified as common during the period.

Important signs of the menstrual period

Next, we present the 4 signs that can occur during the menstrual period and that you should not ignore, as they may be warning of something that has nothing to do with menstruation. It is important that you pay attention to these symptoms and that you are honest about whether or not they have happened to you on any occasion.

1. Amenorrhea

Woman pointing on a calendar the day of her menstruation

Let’s imagine that this month our menstruation has to come, but it doesn’t. When the next month comes, yes, therefore, we are left calm thinking that it is something that can happen. This is called amenorrhea and it has nothing to do with a possible pregnancy.

However, it is not normal for menstruation to skip a cycle and sometimes even two. Even if we are not pregnant, we have to go to the doctor to discuss it. The reasons for amenorrhea may be some of the following:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Thyroid problems
  • Excess of exercise.
  • Poor diet
  • Stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • Premature menopause

2. Very strong aches and pains

Woman with pain in abdomen.

It is natural that during menstruation you feel uncomfortable and feel pain. However, if these pains or cramps are very strong, they must be given due attention. To do this, it is important to answer the following questions:

Do I have acute pain on just one side of my abdomen? Along with this type of pain comes an excessively heavy menstruation? If we have answered yes, we may be facing one of the following problems:

  • Endometriosis : the tissue that must grow inside the uterus, begins to grow outside it, either in the fallopian tubes, the ovaries or even in the bladder.
  • Ovarian torsion : the ovary revolves around the ligament that supports it, which causes the blood not to circulate as it should. In extreme cases, the ovary can be lost.
  • Uterine fibroids : these are cysts, initially non-cancer, that grow in the muscular tissue of the uterus. Most are asymptomatic, but in some cases severe pain can occur.

    3. Abnormal bleeding

    Abnormal bleeding sometimes does not indicate a major problem. However, it doesn’t hurt for the doctor to follow up, just in case.

    If you always have abnormal bleeding between cycles or even menstruation sometimes comes irregularly (very abundant or very little), it is important to pay attention.

    If you take birth control pills, these signs may not indicate anything serious. However, have they been prescribed for a previous ovarian cyst? Abnormal bleeding between cycles or a completely irregular menstruation may indicate some type of ovarian cyst, fibroids, or abnormal estrogen production.

    Tampons and pads for menstruation

    4. Fever and dizziness

    The last of the signs that can occur during the menstrual period is the one that has to do with dizziness, fever and even low blood pressure. This shouldn’t happen, so if it happens to you, there may be a problem behind it.

    If your blood pressure drops too low, it may indicate a problem with your blood pressure. However, we have to say that it is normal that you notice a small decrease in the first days or even before the period comes down.

    Now, what should not happen is that you have a fever or dizziness. In these cases, it could be due to a pelvic inflammatory disease that is caused by bacteria. On many occasions this bacterium has to do with chlamydia and gonorrhea.

    Don’t ignore menstrual period signs

    Have you ever noticed these signs during your menstrual period? Have you seen your GP to find out what was wrong? Taking some symptoms for normal can prevent you from solving a problem that is reducing well-being.

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