10 Signs That You Are An Old Soul

Have you ever heard the concept of “old soul”? Perhaps, at some point, they have told you that you are an old soul, but you have not understood what they were referring to.

Perhaps you have read about it and have doubts. In this article you will discover what an old soul really is and if you are one of them.

What is an old soul?

The concept of the old soul has its origin in Taoism . According to this belief system, an old soul would be one that has already lived 5 past lives in which it has accumulated many experiences that are now trying to be transmitted in the present.

This happens because the Taoists think that, after the 5 reincarnations of the soul, it enters its final stage that culminates in earthly life.

In the following video we can see an example of what an old soul is, even one of the members of the jury says it:

For those who are more spiritual, human beings are not just bones, skin and muscles, but also soul, spirit and energy. When the soul reaches the final stage of its journey, it has the need to give its knowledge to someone.

This happens because, according to the Taoists, the path of each soul culminates and when they are ready to integrate into the Universe and move to an astral plane, they give their experiences and experiences to someone, since they cannot take them with them.

Signs that you are an old soul

1. An old soul lives in detachment

Old souls are not aware of material or sexual pleasures . They feel  comfortable with their life at all times and do not depend on external situations to be happy.

It is easy to recognize them because they do not seek fame or recognition. For them nothing has value on the cosmic plane other than being itself.

2. Full satisfaction is born from you

If you are an old soul, you will not mind making money to achieve social status or climb economically. in some environment.  You will go against what makes others happy, because you feel satisfied with your actions.

Old souls seek her happiness interior, so it is not unusual that on many occasions they choose a path opposite to that followed by the rest of society.

3. You are a pillar or support for others

Support someone

If you are an old soul, it is very common for people, for no apparent reason, to approach you to tell you about their personal problems.

This happens because those around you see in you someone to trust and to talk to because you inspire them with strength. The trust you transmit to others is, according to this research from the National University of the Altiplano (Peru), essential to establish good interpersonal communication that allows you to help them.

4. You are a unique person and different from others

Old souls have a way of seeing things very different from the rest. For example, they do not like to sleep too much and   take a long time to interact with their inner “self” .

Also, they enjoy solitude, spend time in contact with nature and are people who show a maturity greater than their chronological age.

5. You have artistic abilities

Generally, old souls are people who are dedicated to the arts, culture and letters. They are inclined towards artistic activities that allow them to develop . Meditation is something that they practice or that attracts them, whether or not they know its benefits, which, according to this study by Dr. Pablo Arias Capdet, are many.  

  • With music they reach high levels of consciousness, as well as the relaxation necessary to discover the innermost part of their being.
  • With literature they transmit messages.
  • Painting develops in them a human commitment.

6. You have chronological doubts

If you are an old soul, it is likely that you have had a strange taste for clothing, music, customs and details that existed in another time.

Old souls feel that they live in a different time than their own. This is why they often feel out of place.

7. You are a very mature person

Woman making friends

Is it difficult for you to interact and do friends with people your age? Do you feel that you can’t talk about anything interesting with them?

Do they see you as “strange” because your way of perceiving things or analyzing them does not fit with the rest This is usually a characteristic problem when you are an old soul.

8. Analysis is one of your favorite activities

Old souls are constantly thinking, analyzing the motives, causes and ways of things. Any little detail is worth admiring because consider that we are part of a higher whole .

If you are an old soul, it is likely that you always want to know more and that you rarely or never settle for a simple answer.

9. Empathy is one of your main characteristics

Another characteristic that you are an old soul is that you allow yourself to listen to others without judging or criticizing them .

Empathy is, according to this study carried out by the University of Extremadura, necessary to learn to function in the world and avoid future problems due to lack of communication and trust.

People with an old soul are able to put themselves in the shoes of others easily to help them understand what is happening to them. This will be something completely innate in you, not learned.

10. You decipher people immediately

Being an old soul allows you to easily decipher the way people are. Instinct rarely fails you , so you quickly know how sincere someone is and if they are from confidence or not.

You can also make decisions based on “feelings” that tell you that you are on the right track or not and you rarely fail.

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