Foods To Prevent Kidney Stone Formation

What are the foods to avoid the appearance of kidney stones? We tell you everything you should take into account in your diet. It is a very common problem, and therefore its importance.

Permanent damage is not usually caused in people with kidney stones, but the pain is intense during colic. Some foods prevent kidney stones from appearing, preventing their formation.

Role of diet in preventing kidney stones

We must be clear that there are different types of stones, but the most common are those that include calcium salts and uric acid.
Although not in all types the diet can exert an influence, it should be known that the best way to prevent the formation of the most common stones is through an adequate diet.

What should be avoided?

  • Simple carbohydrates and refined flours.
  • Sugary drinks.
  • Saturated fats.
  • Canned, canned and excess sodium.
  • Too much animal protein.
kidneys and kidney stones

What foods can prevent stone formation?


First of all, we must talk about the role that good hydration plays. Fluid intake is extremely important in preventing stones and eliminating them if they already exist.

What the water does is dilute the urine and thus prevent the crystallization of stone-forming minerals. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 liters of liquid daily to achieve a correct dilution of the urine.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables, excluding those with high oxalate content, are natural sources of citrate in the diet, so they can increase the elimination of urinary citrate.

Several studies have shown the potential of citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and lime) and non-citrus fruits (melon) against the risk of kidney stone formation.

Many times, for reasons of time, we consume canned fruits and vegetables. The problem with this is that they have a lot of added sodium. This happens in all types of product that can become canned. In case you buy canned, you should opt for those that have a sign of no added salt on their label.


Legumes are not only foods that have complex carbohydrates, but they also provide a lot of fiber and are a highly recommended option for incorporating plant-based proteins into the diet. Also, they have very little fat.


Oats, wheat flour, rye, and rice are sources of complex carbohydrates. Let’s not forget that large amounts of simple carbohydrates (sugar and sweets) are discouraged because they promote the renal elimination of calcium and oxalates, also increasing the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level.

Sea fish

They are a source of protein, and the type of fats they contain are unsaturated fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6. These are anti-inflammatory and are not related to the formation of stones. Like other foods, whenever possible the consumption of fresh fish is recommended.

fish to prevent kidney stones

Seeds, nuts and vegetable oils

In general, there is a very limited consumption of these food groups, despite being a very good source of unsaturated fats, as well as providing protein and fiber. These can be consumed in many preparations, including in the form of oils.

In the case of cooking oils, olive oil is better due to its high content of omega 9. It is always better to consume it in salads and avoid fried foods.

Food is part of the treatment for kidney stones

In conclusion, there is no more effective way to prevent kidney stones than to eat an adequate diet that is consistent with our nutritional needs. Renal lithiasis is very painful, and if we can avoid it we will save ourselves a great problem for our quality of life.

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