How To Prepare Delicious Vegetable Broths To Lose Weight

When we want to lose weight without starving, vegetable broths are an excellent option. They have all the properties of vegetables and also satisfy us in a substantial way. It is a way to lose weight without sacrifices and in a balanced way.

In this article we share some tips to turn healthy vegetable broths into medicinal and slimming foods that help us burn calories, eliminate fat and reduce body volume.

Vegetable broths for weight loss

How To Prepare Delicious Vegetable Broths To Lose Weight


Homemade vegetable broths are excellent recipes to keep us healthy and boost our defenses. We lose weight without starving and without risking nutritional deficiencies.

They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and are comforting and satisfying. We can take them very hot in times of cold and seasonal changes, or refrigerate them for the hottest days. Keep in mind that fiber intake has been shown to cause satiety, thus reducing the risk of snacking between meals.

In any case, they are the perfect complement to a good meal or the most suitable first course for dinner. We can take them seasonally to see in person how they feel to the body. We will not be disappointed.

Here are some ingredients that should not be missing in these broths.  Thus, we enhance  its slimming effects and reduce sizes more easily.


Celery is an essential vegetable in any good broth. It has a delicious and delicate flavor and has excellent properties.

It is purifying, diuretic and slimming, and as if that were not enough, it improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys. In addition, it is very beneficial for the skin.

Flax and chia seeds

Flax and chia seeds, when soaked or cooked with liquids, release mucilage. These are very beneficial substances for the digestive tract, as they cleanse the intestine and provide a feeling of fullness. 

Adding these seeds to broths will not change their flavor and, instead, will help us regulate intestinal function. This  will help us lose weight and feel deflated and light. 

It should be noted that they have a high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids. These are capable of protecting the cardiovascular system, according to a study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.



Ginger is an exotic spice that adds a juicy and spicy touch to any recipe. In turn, it  activates the metabolism, which helps us burn more calories.

When it comes to losing weight, ginger also has diuretic properties, which allow us to eliminate excess fluids that we retain and that make us gain volume. There is evidence that its mixture with green tea is especially effective in promoting fat loss.


Cayenne pepper is a spicy spice that also increases metabolism so that we can lose weight more easily.

However, if we do not usually eat spicy condiments, we must incorporate it into our diet very gradually to avoid digestive discomfort.


How To Prepare Delicious Vegetable Broths To Lose Weight

Seaweed is surprising food that is high in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as minerals (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, and sodium).

They also provide us with small amounts of vegetable protein and a lot of fiber. It should be noted that what gives them the salty taste is potassium, not sodium.

Seaweed helps us lose weight for different reasons:

  • They activate the metabolism to burn more calories thanks to its iodine content.
  • They improve the functioning of the intestine.
  • They increase the feeling of satiety.


Seawater is an edible product that is sold in health food stores and some supermarkets. It can also be collected in clean places, outside the bathing season.

This food concentrates minerals and trace elements, does not have the negative effects of salt on the body and, on the other hand, contributes to balancing the function of the kidneys and cleaning the intestine. We can use it as if it were salt in all kinds of stews and sauces.


hair oatmeal

Oatmeal is a very nutritious cereal, with protein and fiber, and it makes us feel full easily.

In addition, it has the property of regulating blood sugar levels, which allows us to avoid uncontrolled cravings for sweets.

We can take it raw or, if we do not digest it well, cooked in sweet and savory recipes.

Coconut oil

A tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil a day provides us with a good amount of healthy fats to activate the metabolism and reduce fat, especially in the waist area .

In order for it to have these effects on the body, we must take it raw and of good quality, for a season.

Includes strategies to lose weight

Emphasizing the intake of the foods that we are going to comment on, and preparing vegetable broths on a regular basis, you will be able to lose weight effectively. This will improve your health in the medium and long term.

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