What Do We Know About The Properties Of Walnuts?

Walnuts are one of the best known nuts today. Nuts in general are so called because in their natural composition, that is, without human manipulation, they have less than 50% water.

These are very energetic foods that are rich in protein and also in trace elements. In particular, walnuts can also provide good amounts of omega 3 fatty acids.

On the other hand, they also contain significant amounts of fat, although only 9% is saturated fat. 14% is monounsaturated and 77% is polyunsaturated, of which 13% is from the omega 3 family. It is important to bear in mind that thanks to these properties arises the studied protective effect of walnuts against cardiovascular diseases.

Next we develop this characteristic, in addition to other properties of walnuts and their impact on the body.

Healthy nuts

Do walnuts have medicinal properties?

The medicinal properties of walnuts have been talked about since time immemorial. In the past, eating walnuts was in fact considered to promote intelligence because of the similarity in the shape of its seed to the human brain. Of course, these were popular beliefs without any scientific evidence that have been passed down from generation to generation.

However, in recent decades there has been research on the true incidence of certain foods in the body, including walnuts among them. This is due to the growing concern about maintaining a good diet to take care of people’s health. It must be remembered that the basis for having a strong and energetic body is found in maintaining good lifestyle and eating habits.

Walnuts, as we mentioned earlier, are a product that is characterized by its good properties and that therefore will do the body good if they are included as an ingredient in a healthy and balanced diet. But, can they affect the person more directly?

Main benefits of walnuts

Being consistent in maintaining a balanced diet, also enriched with 30 grams of walnuts and other dried fruits, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%. This is how they demonstrated it in a Spanish investigation that was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

As explained in the research, walnuts are rich in plant sterols. These are natural compounds that can help lower cholesterol by interfering with the absorption of cholesterol. Similarly, cell culture experiments have shown that enrichment of LDL with α-linolenic acid after a walnut diet facilitates receptor-mediated elimination of LDL.

On the other hand, it is important to note that the study did not observe any effect of walnut-enriched diets in relation to weight gain. The pooled estimates from the analysis confirm that the beneficial effects on blood lipids are independent of changes in body weight, and that recommendations to include walnuts in the diet are feasible, and the person will not experience weight gain as a result.

In relation to cell degeneration

As said, walnuts provide a large amount of antioxidants. These nutrients help prevent neurodegenerative diseases. This is due to the high content of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in nuts, an omega-3 fatty acid of plant origin.

In fact, a study published in the journal Neurochemical Research explained that walnut extract has protective effects against oxidative stress and cell death that occur in the brain of patients with neurodegenerative diseases.


How to include them in the diet?

It is possible to combine walnuts with other nuts, as well as to include them in salads, as an aperitif, or in different desserts. In any case, it is best to consume them without salt and without frying, natural is how they best affect the body.

As for the quantity, it is advisable to consume them in moderation. It is usually recommended to eat a small handful of walnuts every day. Regardless, it is always best to consult with a specialist how much and how to include it in a personalized diet. Each person has different needs so it is better to adapt to the situation of each one.

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