The Importance Of Variety In Food

The diet of a person is a complex reality, since each organism has a series of particular needs, due to genetics, lifestyle, among other variables. Thus, what may be recommended in some cases may be counterproductive in others. For example, there are foods that a healthy person can take regularly without inconvenience, but should be avoided by patients with kidney stones.

Variety in the diet is key

It is well known that a balanced diet is capable of providing multiple health benefits. This translates into the following: by eating healthy, each of the body’s organs and systems receives what it needs to function properly and thus provide well-being.

Now, the next question is: how to eat healthy? there are some very simple keys that can guide us:

There must be variety in the diet. That is, it is advisable to learn to incorporate the different food groups in meals and not to focus on a single group. To understand this in a much clearer way, let’s take the example of “miracle” diets.

Generally, these regimens focus on the consumption of a single food or a certain group (say fruits) and exclude other groups in order to promise short-term results. Now, by excluding other food groups, the body does not receive the nutrients it needs to be healthy and, in the end, there are decompensations and, of course, health problems.

Other important keys

Another key to maintaining a good diet is to moderate your intake of salt and sugar. Be careful, it is not about eliminating them from the diet completely (unless the doctor so indicates) but rather to be more careful when adding these ingredients to our meals, so as not to exceed the daily consumption recommended by the World Organization Of the health.

On the other hand, it is extremely important to start paying attention to the true intrinsic value of food. It is not the same to drink a fruit juice made at home, with little or no added sugar, than to drink an industrial fruit juice.

While it is true that many people turn to “ready-to-go” products for convenience, to save effort and time, this practice is not beneficial in the long run. For this reason, you have to learn to dispense with edibles and industrial beverages and instead give more priority to fresh food and preparations.


To maintain a balanced diet, depending on our needs, it is best to consult with the doctor and follow his instructions. 

Last but not least, it must be remembered that maintaining variety in the consumption of different food groups can be very beneficial, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and make the most of fresh food, before the processed, frozen and related.

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