What Is A Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is a surgery that, in recent years, has been gaining strength and becoming more and more known. Although most people think that it is a procedure that is done to lose weight, this is not the case.

This surgical procedure is also called abdominal wall surgery or abdominal plastic surgery . It consists of removing excess skin from this part of the body, which is usually necessary in people who have suffered sudden weight changes.

In addition to removing excess sagging skin, a tummy tuck can be used to remove some of the abdominal fat. Even to correct the muscles of the abdomen, which may also be more flaccid than normal.

It is one of the most demanded surgeries today. It helps not only aesthetically, but also improves the person’s self-esteem. Therefore, in this article we explain what a tummy tuck consists of and why it is performed.

What is a tummy tuck?

When we suffer sudden changes in weight, both large gains and losses, the skin can be altered due to excessive stretching. This causes it to lose elasticity and not regain its natural shape, leaving it flaccid and distended.

Abdominoplasty consists of removing that excess skin to achieve a flatter and firmer abdomen. In addition, it also allows to correct the excess abdominal fat and the muscular flaccidity that accompanies these alterations.

There are different types of abdominal surgery, among which the traditional and mini-abdominoplasty stand out. The traditional one requires general anesthesia and a hospital stay of several days. It lasts between 2 and 6 hours and a larger incision is made.

On the other hand, the mini-abdominoplasty is performed when only the area below the navel is to be treated. It is a simpler and shorter procedure. The incision is smaller, as is the recovery, which is lighter than the traditional one.

Who gets a tummy tuck?

Although abdominoplasty is thought to be a weight loss surgery, that is not its main objective. In fact, it is performed on people who have a good silhouette, but who maintain excess skin in the area. Also when there is an excess of fat that does not improve with diet or exercise.

The first indication for this surgery are women who have had several pregnancies. This is so because, after several pregnancies, the skin and muscles of the abdomen sometimes fail to regain their initial shape.

Ideally, if it is done for this reason, the woman will not get pregnant again. If the skin and muscles that have been distended are corrected, when a new pregnancy occurs, they can become overstretched, making the surgery meaningless.

Another indication for abdominoplasty is obese people who have lost a lot of weight. In these cases, the skin is often very hanging, even weighing many kilograms on its own.

tummy tuck

What must be considered?

This procedure is very useful, since in addition to fixing an aesthetic problem, it can significantly help to improve the person’s self-esteem. It will also improve the comfort of the individual, considering that large excesses of skin are practically a burden.

However, we cannot forget that it is a surgery. Therefore, it is not without risks. First of all, it should be noted that the scar from the process will surely be very visible. It is a large incision that can change the position of the belly button.

In addition, as in any other surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection or poor healing. The same risks arise from anesthesia. There is even the possibility that the sensitivity of the area is altered.

Finally, it is essential to know that, before performing a tummy tuck, it is advised that the weight be stable for at least six months. For all these reasons, the ideal is to be properly informed and for the doctor to help make the decision.

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