How Can We Get Rid Of Dandruff?

Do you know that one of the causes of dandruff can be stress? Try to relax and give things the right importance so that they do not affect your hair health

Dandruff is a p common ROBLEM that affects both men and women, without exception. It appears as a consequence of dermatological problems on the scalp, especially during puberty and maturity. How can it be fought?

Although dozens of chemical treatments have been developed to eliminate it, there are also a number of natural remedies in force that could have good results. Best of all, they do not usually cause adverse reactions.

Discover them!


How to get rid of dandruff: 5 natural remedies

Before knowing in detail some natural remedies to get rid of dandruff, it is important to remember what this problem consists of. Its main symptom is small white scales that are usually noticeable along the hair.

It can also cause itching, redness, and greasy patches on the roots. Although it is not usually serious, it is unsightly and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is worth trying some preparations to promote their elimination. Write down!

1. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil

Thanks to its properties , tea tree essential oil is a good alternative to deal with dandruff. In fact, there are studies showing that it can decrease your symptoms by up to 41%.

However, since it can be irritating, it should not be used in its pure state. To obtain this benefit, it can be combined with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, or put a few drops in the shampoo for regular use.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is distinguished in dermatology for its moisturizing capacity. Its topical use allows combating excess dryness and disorders such as dermatitis. Similarly, some researchers claim that it could be effective as an anti-dandruff treatment.

3. Aloe vera

According to a scientific review, the antibacterial and antifungal properties of aloe vera gel can help prevent dandruff. A test-tube study determined that its components are effective against various species of fungi.

Therefore, its application can control infections that cause dandruff and excessive hair loss. In addition, thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, it reduces itching and irritation.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinager

Organic apple cider vinegar is one of the traditional remedies for beautifying hair. Not only does it facilitate the removal of dead cells on the scalp, but it could help fight fungi that cause dandruff. It also acts as a natural conditioner and leaves strands shiny and strong.

5. Aspirin mask

Due to its concentration of salicylic acid, aspirin is ideal for the treatment of dandruff. In fact, this component is found in many dandruff shampoos. Its external use works by helping to get rid of flaky and greasy skin. Thus, it allows to cleanse the scalp.

Final recommendations to combat dandruff

Although the constant use of the above remedies may be enough to combat dandruff, in general it is good to heed other recommendations. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and certain care helps prevent the recurrence of this problem.

Healthy and very balanced diet

This is one of the most important premises and one that many people overlook. And it is that if we carry out a balanced diet, with all kinds of nutrients, we could avoid the appearance of dandruff .

Therefore, it is important to eat foods rich in vitamins E (margarine and almonds), B and omega 3 (blue fish). You should also avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar because they can make this problem worse.

Out the stress and worries

Stress and worries at work.

When we suffer from stress and anxiety due to our daily problems, what happens is that our scalp suffers .

This sometimes causes the appearance of dandruff with consequent hair loss. So whenever possible, practice relaxation techniques or any activity that gives you pleasure.

Beware of excessive use of hair products

Some products such as gel, wax or spray can cause dandruff in the long term . And it is that these make the scalp suffer and dry, or can even cause allergic reactions. If you want to set your hair in a more natural way, we recommend using tea tree oil.

Wash your hair regularly

Baking soda on our skin and hair

Many people who suffer from dandruff have very oily hair. If you are one of these people, we recommend that you wash your hair regularly. Cold water will help remove the flakes of dandruff and keep your scalp without that sticky feeling.

Likewise, it is also important to know how to choose a dandruff shampoo according to our needs. We advise you to look for one that contains zinc.


There are several alternatives and care that allow you to eliminate dandruff. The most important thing is to be consistent with your application to see the results in a short time. 

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