Benefits Of Argan Oil For Skin, Hair And Body

Argan oil for the skin, hair and body comes from the extract of the seeds of the argan tree, native to the southwestern region of Morocco, where the trade of this species is an important activity. It is a rather rare oil, precisely because of the limitation of the place of production of the tree, which takes between 30 and 50 years to produce the fruit.

For hundreds of years, people who live near the region where argan is grown have used the oil for different medicinal purposes and, especially, to include in beauty routines, since it helps to take care of the health of the hair and skin.

In fact, its benefits have become so popular that the cosmetic industry is including it as an ingredient in their products and it is already commercially distributed in different countries around the world.

Benefits of argan oil for the skin


Argan oil contains vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants that provide important benefits to the skin, such as the prevention of premature aging, reduction of the signs of aging or hydration, among others. It is worth highlighting its qualities to achieve:

  • Young and radiant face : The use of argan oil for the skin of the face is a great help to prevent premature aging, reduce dead cells and protect against damage caused by the sun. It contains vitamin E, which is essential to maintain the elasticity of the skin and collagen. In addition, it has phytosterols that help treat acne and reduce scars.
  • Body hydration : instead of using moisturizers with chemical compounds, you can choose to use argan oil for the skin as it acts as an excellent moisturizer for the whole body while maintaining moisture. For good results it is recommended to apply after showering.
  • Healthy hands : If you suffer from dry hands, the skin tends to crack and the cuticles are damaged, argan oil for the skin could be the best solution. This product deeply hydrates, helps keep hands moist and softens the skin.

Benefits of argan oil for hair


Vitamin E added to essential fatty acids make this oil a great ally to take care of hair and keep it healthy. Some of its benefits are the following:

  • Shiny and hydrated hair : To hydrate it, reduce dryness and achieve a sensational shine, rub a little argan oil into the hair and scalp with gentle massages. Leave it to act for 1 hour and rinse as usual.
  • Curly hair : This type of hair is usually very difficult to style and tends to be bothered by frizz or frizz. To get a good hairstyle and to be free of frizz, apply a little argan oil all over your hair.
  • Split ends: damaged hair is often evident from split ends and we don’t always want to cut them to fix it. To close them, you just have to put argan oil every day on all the ends of your hair.
  • Scalp – Dry scalp tends to suffer from dandruff, itchiness, and irritation. To treat it, you should apply a little argan oil, with gentle massages, before going to bed, and wash the next day.

Argan oil and internal health


Due to its important content of sterols, specifically scotenol and spinasterol, argan oil acts as an important natural anti-inflammatory as this study points out.

Its effect is very effective in treating problems such as rheumatism and arthritis. Ingested and applied to aching joints, this oil provides an important feeling of well-being.

Anti-cancer benefits have also been attributed to it, especially for its content of antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, which fight and reduce the impact of free radicals. When consumed regularly, it helps prevent cell damage, heart problems and different types of cancers.

This food is a great complement for dressing salads, dipping bread and preparing different dishes. Without a doubt, it is a product from which great benefits can be obtained both internally and in external health and beauty.

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