10 Symptoms Of Leukemia That Are Often Overlooked

Although these symptoms can also be due to other minor conditions, it is essential to go to a specialist at the slightest doubt to examine us and thus obtain an early diagnosis

Leukemia is the term used to refer to cancer that affects the blood-forming tissues in the body. It directly involves white blood cells, since it is characterized by its inadequate formation. Here are some of the symptoms of leukemia.

White blood cells are an important part of the body’s defense mechanisms. These grow and divide in an organized way as the body needs them.

However, in patients with leukemia, the bone marrow produces them abnormally and, although their production increases, they cannot fulfill their function of protecting the body, since they are defective.

As the disease progresses, there is interference in the production of other blood cells, such as red blood cells and platelets.

This is when serious episodes of anemia, bleeding and a high risk of contracting various types of infections occur.

The most worrying thing is that many are unaware or confused about their symptoms, which makes their timely diagnosis difficult.

For this reason, below we want to share in detail the 10 clinical manifestations that should not be overlooked.

1. Symptoms of Leukemia: Purple or red spots on the skin

leukemia symptoms

Known in medical terms as petechiae, they are reddish or purple spots that appear in clusters, usually on the chest, back or arms. This is stated in this study carried out by Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal (Mexico).

They occur when blood clots and does not flow properly, and they are often mistaken for a skin rash.

2. Pain in the bones or joints

There are many diseases that can cause bone and joint pain. However, in the case of leukemia in particular, pain occurs when defective white blood cells accumulate.

Patients feel a sharp prick or dull ache, the intensity of which may vary depending on the affected area.

3. Headache


Headache is one of the most overlooked symptoms of leukemia. They appear mostly in cases of acute leukemia, and tend to be severe and long-lasting.

They occur because blood flow to the brain and spinal cord is restricted, as is the case in migraine headaches, when blood vessels constrict.

4. Swollen glands

When leukemia compromises the production of white and red blood cells, the body’s ability to respond against infections is decreased.

This situation alters the inflammatory processes and leads to swollen glands and lymph nodes or small painless lumps of blue or purple hue.

5. Weakness and tiredness


It is difficult to suspect leukemia when it manifests as feeling weak and tired. However, it should not be ignored that these signs are also the product of this disease.

The decrease in healthy red blood cells affects the body’s ability to transport oxygen and nutrients, leading to anemia and chronic fatigue.

6. Unusual bleeding

All unusual and unexplained bleeding can be a clear sign of leukemia, as suggested by this research from the Integrated Care Management of Albacete (Spain). The decrease in the platelet count interferes with blood clotting, thus increasing the susceptibility to bleeding.

7. Fevers and frequent infections

she suffers a cold

Any form of leukemia decreases the ability of the immune system to respond against pathogens that cause infections.

For this reason, patients with this condition experience continuous episodes of fever and respiratory infections such as the flu.

This is largely because cancer blood cells inhibit the ability of white blood cells to act against viruses and bacteria.

8. Unexplained weight loss

As with any type of cancer, another of the symptoms of leukemia is that the patient loses weight in an alarming and inexplicable way, according to this study carried out by the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico.

This can be a side effect of the extreme fatigue and decreased appetite that comes with it.

We recommend you read: Main causes of loss of appetite

9. Shortness of breath

shortness of breath

Shortness of breath or shortness of breath is caused by the decrease in oxygenation of the cells that occurs due to interferences in the flow of blood.

Some people experience it as an inability to catch their breath, while others feel that they are not getting the relief of an oxygen recovery.

10. Abdominal pain or bloating

When leukemia spreads, it can cause a swollen liver or spleen, manifesting as recurrent abdominal pain or a feeling of fullness under the ribs.

Some patients even feel a slight pain in the lower back or experience nausea, vomiting and changes in intestinal activity.

Leukemia treatment has made important advances in recent years; however, much of its success depends on early detection of the disease.

For this reason, it is essential to attend to any of the symptoms of leukemia mentioned, although they may manifest themselves as problems of less care. Consult with your doctor if you have a similar problem.

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