Salty Chicken Cupcakes

Today we want to present you a delicious recipe for salty chicken cupcakes. We will tell you a little about the history of this delicious and practical dish.

Cupcakes, or literally in Spanish, “tart in a cup” first appeared in 1796 when Amelia Simmons put this name in a recipe book. But they really became popular recently, in the s. XXI in the US, and from there they have been launched into the world.

Lately they have become very fashionable. They are so versatile that everyone loves them for their fun and suggestive presentations. 

Although we present this exquisite recipe to you, you are free to adapt your savory cupcakes to your personal tastes, food allergies or preferred flavors.

Let’s do it”

Savory chicken cupcakes recipe



  • 280 g of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast (5 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of cooked chicken, shredded
  • 150 g of mozarella cheese
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • 6-7 tablespoons of sunflower oil (150 g)
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • Philadelphia type cream cheese
  • black olives
  • A handful of dried oregano


  • 1 bowl
  • 1 sieve
  • 1 fork or a few hand or electric sticks
  • 1 spatula or a wooden spoon
  • 1 piping bag with curly peak
  • 1 cupcake tray
  • Paper cupcake molds
  • Flags, sparklers (optional)
  • Oven

Savory cupcakes with vegetables


  • First, turn on the oven, so that it preheats.
  • Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl with a spatula or wooden spoon: the flour, the yeast, the salt and the pepper. Do not forget to sift them beforehand. This will prevent lumps from forming.
  • Then add the milk, the eggs, the mozzarella cheese cut into pieces and the shredded chicken.
  • Then mix well until you have a compact dough.
  • Put in the typical cupcake molds (pirotines) and put in the oven at 170 ÂșC for  about 20 minutes.
  • When they are completely cold, put the cream cheese with a pastry bag with a curly peak so that the cream is super nice on your salty cupcakes.
  • Finally, garnish with a black olive in the center and a little oregano.

Note : Instead of cream cheese you can put mashed potatoes on it and garnish it with a green olive and a little tuna. The contrast of the tuna with the chicken flavor is great.

If you want to put a soft cream of cream on it, mix 100 g of cream cheese with 100 g of whipping cream and beat until smooth.

Other ideas

  • You can use the cooked chicken, for example, or some roast chicken that you have left over from another meal.
  • In addition, you can use the cream cheese that you like the most: with fine herbs, with Roquefort, with tomato … You can even play with colors. If you have a lot of cupcakes to make, put different cream cheeses on them, they will be different in color and flavor.
  • You can mix a little mild olive oil with the sunflower oil.
  • In cupcakes, in addition to being delicious, the most important thing is the presentation.
  • Put a bow around the mold, they are super cute.
  • You can garnish the white cheese cream with a little bit of sweet red paprika. It gives it a touch of beautiful color. If you put it on a black mold and a red, white or heart bow, it’s cute!
  • The flags and the little signs pinned on the cupcakes are also very nice.
  • If you want to surprise at a dinner, appear with the cupcakes with a pricked and lit bengalite.

Tips for perfect savory cupcakes

pizza muffins

  • Use top quality ingredients. Remember that the cupcake is always an exquisite bite and it should impact with its flavor in the first bite.
  • It is essential to mix the dry ingredients first and then add the wet ones.
  • Don’t beat the flour too much. It can be too compact, so it’s best to use a wooden spatula or spoon.
  • Always bake on a cupcake tray, and put the paper molds with the mixture on it. The base would burn if you did it directly on the baking tray.
  • Fill 2/3 of each cupcake.  Keep in mind that they will go up a lot later.
  • Never open the oven while you are making them. Observe them through the east door.
  • Let the cupcakes rest on a cooling rack for about 5 minutes. Inside the oven.
  • Decorate when totally cool.
    • Rose decoration : Start with the sleeve from the center out
    • Star-shaped decoration: The reverse of the previous one. It starts from the outside in, leaving a hood in the center.

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