Can You Stop Being A Jealous Person?

Interpersonal relationships (family, partner, friendship) are generally based on trust. This value generates comfort among people and can become an important bond. Jealousy can sometimes break this trust. Of course this implies the deterioration of any type of relationship.

Some people try to fight them and, if possible, not have them. However, there are those who based on personal experiences believe that it is impossible to achieve it. There are some simple steps and tools that can help. So how do you stop being a jealous person? Next, we will talk a little more about it.

How to stop being a jealous person?

The first step in solving a problem is accepting that it exists. That is, realizing that something is wrong. When reading it, it could be seen as an easy thing to do, but for some people this could be the most complex step in resolving a conflict.

Taking this step is considered decisive, especially if the intention is not to end an interpersonal relationship. Your own well-being could be at stake in a situation where jealousy is the basis of the problem, since it tends to cause damage that can be irreparable in the long term.

On this, this research carried out in 2009 explains that jealousy is influenced by multiple variables, but those that tend to stand out are cultural factors, as well as those that have to do with the psychological characteristics of each person. That is, each individual has particularities to face them.

Everyone has qualities that will influence how they face a situation of jealousy, especially at the beginning, when it is suggested to take that first step, which is nothing other than the recognition and acceptance of the existence of a problem that must be solved.

Recognize that you are a jealous person

Just thinking about saying to yourself, “Yes, I’m a jealous person” can be challenging on a personal level. It is common to talk with close friends about topics such as relationships and mention jealousy. As a personal anecdote, someone comments that the couple is jealous and that they would like to avoid this misunderstanding at all costs and end it.

Usually, advice is given about doing certain things or stopping certain things with the intention of stopping the other person from feeling jealous. In contrast, it is often overlooked that it is important to accept that there is a problem that may need professional help.

It is suggested to go to a psychologist to discuss this conflict before it can sink in and become a major problem. A professional will be able to offer a much more assertive orientation, advise what to do, how to do it and especially how to approach it in order to overcome this first stage without major setbacks.

Have the will to change

Change is not something that happens overnight, on the contrary, it takes time and dedication. Either on a physical level doing exercises or on a personal level in terms of attitudes, the rule is that it takes a process and some time.

Therefore, having willpower can be considered as something very important to meet the goal of stopping being a jealous person. If it is a process that takes time, it will surely have ups and downs, but there the will has a crucial influence.

In this research carried out by a group of experts from the Catholic University of Peru, it is explained that the psychology of the will is directly related to motivation and the achievement process at the individual and group level. That is, motivated people feel a sense of will that leads them to be successful.

They continue to explain that despite the differences that may exist between will and motivation, they are considered concepts that are related because one leads to the other. For example, if the person is motivated to make a change, they will do so willingly. On the other hand, if you develop the will to take the first step to change, then you will be motivated to move forward by seeing the results.

Improve communication with your partner


Dealing with jealousy alone is not a very appropriate idea, so it is advisable to talk and share with your partner about these insecurities, talking with him or her before any questions or problems that arise and establishing effective communication can be a good way to start tackling any conflict, especially one about jealousy.

Communication tends to be solid and can bring better results than silence. Some people choose to swallow what they feel and the consequences of these actions can be negative in the long term, not only for whoever does it, but for their environment in general.

It is essential to make the efforts that are required to be able to advance in communication with the couple. This relates to what has been raised about willingness and taking the first step. By doing so, you can see and feel the progress to be able to solve what is owed.

Wondering what the concept of a relationship is


Some people consider that being in a relationship is synonymous with knowing each step that the other person is about to take or execute, that you have to know every detail of each activity because only then “can you be calm or calm.” Have you found yourself in a situation similar to the one described?

If this makes you feel identified, then they may be indications of an excess of jealousy that is about to reach a stage of uncontrol and it would be best to seek professional help. These types of behaviors often define relationships based on insecurity and fear.

A group of experts from the University of the Basque Country conducted this research where they address the importance of interpersonal relationships. They describe them as necessary and decisive for people; Thanks to them, issues such as the development of personality, communication and its improvement, among other important aspects , have been achieved.

However, the study also explains the following: these same characteristics have led to the recognition that relationships need to be based on values ​​such as respect, privacy of information, self-recognition of being in a healthy relationship, etc. That is, jealousy will end up damaging a relationship contrary to these values ​​and characteristics.

Therefore, the following aspects can be taken into account when facing a situation where jealousy appears frequently:

  • Love has to be free, not controlling.
  • Love does not know about possessions, but about trust and respect.
  • The other person does not belong to you and can leave at any time.
  • You must face each and every one of those fears and insecurities.
  • It is important to find out if you are facing an emotional dependency.
  • Remember that relationships must be based on effective communication, respect and understanding, both your own and that of the other.

Self-esteem: the value of loving yourself

It is important to learn to value yourself, to trust yourself and others in order to understand that past experiences can be a motor to not be equal to those who have caused us harm. Having the courage and courage to face those parts that terrify us can help us understand the causes of so much jealousy.

In this research carried out in 2007, it is stated that self-esteem is an important factor to consider in the lives of all people, especially in the area of ​​performance and attitudes towards academic activities. It can also be said that it is the consideration that one has towards oneself, and even, they define it as the vestige of the soul and the ingredient that provides dignity to human existence.

In other words, self-worth and learning to love ourselves above others is necessary if you want to establish a relationship based on respect and trust. There is a maxim that says: “we cannot offer love to others if we do not love ourselves first.” Love yourself before loving others.

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