How To Relieve Tendonitis Symptoms

What is tendinitis? What are your symptoms? Surely you have asked yourself this question at some time, especially if you play sports. Tendonitis is a disease that consists of inflammation of the tendons. It occurs most frequently in the tendons of the heels and biceps: it increases the volume of the tendon and inflames the skin in the affected area.

The main cause of this disease is repetitive movements that do not have good posture. In addition, the pressure of the footwear can also be an incident factor in the production of tendon inflammation. On the other hand, sprains and injuries due to poorly performed activities are also a cause of tendonitis in the medium and long term.

Luckily we have natural remedies that can help us alleviate the symptoms of this ailment. In any case, the first thing we should always do is go to the doctor. This will indicate the most appropriate treatment, which we can complement with the following remedies. Do you want to know what they are? Keep reading.

Know tendonitis

The primary manifestation of this tendon condition is pain in the area with pressure or movement. Likewise, the difficulty in making any movement with the joint is notorious.

The best way to alleviate the symptoms produced by tendonitis is to rest or immobilize the area with the highest incidence; This is done through splints. It is also recommended to change shoes if the problem in the Achilles tendon, located in the heel, is denoted.

runner with tendonitis

When suffering from a disease such as tendonitis, the  main aim is to work with a treatment that reduces pain and inflammation. In very advanced cases, it is recommended to use topically applied anti-inflammatories, such as gels or creams, on the direct surface on which the inflamed tendon is located.

It is also advisable to minimize movement in the affected area and apply heat or cold directly to reduce pain. Keep in mind that progressive tendonitis can atrophy the tendon and cause irreparable damage. That is why it is important that the affected person always go to the doctor.

In addition, for those who suffer from this disease, there are various ways to relieve pain and its symptoms in a natural way. These can be a good complement to the medical treatment you follow.

How to relieve pain caused by tendonitis symptoms

The first thing that is recommended in a case of tendonitis is to change your physical activity habits. It is better to refrain from practicing sports that are very demanding for the injured area.

These activities can be replaced by relaxation ones, such as yoga, which can help reduce pain and avoid a sedentary lifestyle, while the affected areas rest.

On the other hand, to reduce pain and inflammation, localized heat or cold is essential , which can be practiced for 20 minutes; then, after a similar period of rest, its application is resumed. It is recommended to repeat the action until the pain is eliminated; you can use an ice pack or compress.

It is also recommended to consume fish oil supplements or increase their presence in the diet. In this way, the presence of omega 3 is increased in the body. This, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition Reviews , constitutes a natural anti-inflammatory, which in fact would be recommended for patients with arthritis, for example. This can help relieve swelling and speed up the healing process.

Lastly, when suffering from this disease, the best thing to do is rest. It is advisable to take an 8 hour break every night. This can help us speed up tendon recovery.

Natural recipes for tendonitis symptoms


In addition to the treatment that the doctor has given us, to alleviate tendonitis, natural herbal recipes that have anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties are also known. Among these plants are:

  • The willow. This plant has been used for a long time to relieve ailments such as arthritis and back pain. This is due to its significant anti-inflammatory power, which helps relieve swelling. For a long time it was believed that it was due to its salicin content, but recent studies show that there could be other components at play. It is recommended to prepare a syrup from two grams of the dried bark of this plant in a glass of water and drink two or three times a day. However, it is not recommended to ingest for long periods, as it can irritate the digestive system.
  • Echinacea. This flower (in its purple variant) has traditionally been used to alleviate injuries due to its anti-inflammatory power. Recent studies published in the journal Pharmatheutical Biology seem to confirm this property, although its operation is still not entirely clear. It is advisable to consume it in an infusion made up of a spoon of this dried plant in a cup of water. You can have one or two cups a day.

    Finally, it is traditionally recommended to include foods rich in magnesium and silicon in the diet, since it is believed that they favor the seal of injured ligaments caused by tendinitis. You can find these nutrients in lettuce, parsley, asparagus, spinach, and walnuts.

    Final note

    Tendonitis is a disease that can be avoided by reducing activities that require a lot of effort, improving the diet and practicing relaxing exercises to allow the muscles and tendons to rest. It is an avoidable and treatable nightmare if you are aware of your health.

    Also, remember that you should always go to the doctor or traumatologist in these cases. He will give you the most appropriate treatment for your specific case. Of course, we encourage you to try these remedies at home because they can help alleviate the symptoms of tendonitis and reduce the annoying pain.

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