Delicious Recipe For Chickpeas With Cabbage

Chickpeas are legumes that stand out for their versatility, in addition to their nutritional density. Although not everyone feels good, it is advisable to introduce them into the diet, since they provide substances that help improve health. That is why we are going to teach you how to prepare chickpeas with cabbage.

We cannot begin to talk about this recipe without emphasizing the need to include legumes on a regular basis in the diet. In fact, most healthy eating guides advise that these products appear at least 1-2 times each week.

Chickpeas with cabbage

Before getting fully into the preparation of the dish, we are going to comment on the main benefits of consuming chickpeas. These foods have a significant contribution of fiber, an essential substance to prevent and manage constipation situations. This is stated by a study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

On the other hand, they stand out for the presence of proteins inside. However, these are not of high biological value. This means that they are deficient in essential amino acids, in addition to not presenting good scores in terms of digestibility. However, they are optimal to complete the daily requirements.

It should be noted that an inefficiency in protein intake can trigger the appearance of pathologies related to the health of lean mass, as confirmed by a study published in Biomedical Research International. An example of these disorders would be sarcopenia, which causes tissue destruction and loss of strength.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • 250 grams of chickpeas.
  • 1 cabbage
  • 2 or 3 slices of ham.
  • 1 onion.
  • 3 or 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Laurel.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt.
Chickpeas on a plate.

Step by step for the elaboration

The first thing is to cut the cabbage into slices, in addition to the onion in cubes and the garlic in sheets. It is also optimal that the ham is divided into small cubes. With this we will have a good part of the ingredients ready to be used.

As for chickpeas, there are two options. The first of them is to buy them canned already cooked, this being the simplest. On the other hand, they can be purchased naturally and cooked at home, leaving the night before to soak to soften. In this case, we recommend using a pressure cooker to save time.

Be that as it may, once the chickpeas are ready to use, a stock of olive oil must be added to a pot to fry the garlic, ham and onion. It is cooked for 2 or 3 minutes until it takes a transparent color and the ham begins to brown.

Then the water is poured in and it is waited until it reaches the boiling point. At this time a small cayenne can be included in the recipe to add flavor, although this is optional. Another possibility is to resort to sweet paprika.

Once the water breaks to boil, it is time to put the chickpeas, previously cooked, in the pot, along with the cabbage. You will have to wait for 10 minutes for the cooking to finish, always over medium low heat, ensuring that all the flavors are well integrated. Once at this point it is tested to see if it needs more salt and it is ready to serve.

Another way to prepare chickpeas with cabbage

We are going to explain another way to prepare chickpeas with cabbage, so that you take advantage of all the nutrients that the recipe provides. Keep in mind that the vegetables that this preparation includes have a large amount of antioxidants. These elements neutralize the formation of free radicals, according to a study published in Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression.


  • 1 cabbage
  • 2 medium carrots.
  • 100 grams of potatoes.
  • 1 onion.
  • 300 grams of cooked chickpeas.
  • 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika.
  • 3 grams of cumin.
  • 100 grams of chorizo.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Chicken soup.
Cabbage to prepare with chickpeas.

Step by Step

You will have to start by cutting the cabbage into medium pieces, to later boil it in the broth for about 20 minutes. From here the vegetable will be reserved, removing it from the heat.

In a pot , sauté the onion until golden brown and add the chorizo ​​in small pieces and the paprika. 5 minutes later, the cabbage, the diced potato and the carrot will have to be introduced into small pieces, so that everything is browned.

Pour the broth in which the cabbage was cooked and cook over low heat for at least 40 minutes. It is possible to add more water if it is consumed quickly.

The last step is to add the cooked chickpeas, to cook the whole for 10 more minutes with the aim of integrating the flavors and obtaining an optimal texture.

Make chickpeas with cabbage

As you have seen, preparing chickpeas with cabbage is quick and easy. It is carried out with food and natural ingredients and the end result is a dish with high nutritional power, suitable to introduce in almost any diet.

However, keep in mind that the second option is more caloric, so save it for specific moments.

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