Care For The Use Of Contact Lenses

To get the most out of your contact lenses, it is essential to follow the advice of the specialist and, above all, never let them dry out, as they could break

If you are thinking of using lenses or contact lenses to leave the prescription glasses aside (or as a complement), keep in mind the following recommendations. Although it is something simple, it also presents its “tricks” to make you last longer and at the same time maintain good eye health.

Myths and truths about wearing contact lenses

Whether due to ignorance or prejudice, many things are said in relation to contact lenses. Many come to the consultation with the ophthalmologist or optician to find out various questions. Among the most frequent doubts we find:

Can contact lenses get lost behind the eyes?

The truth is that this is physically impossible. This is because there is a thin membrane that covers the eye, connected to the inside of the eyelid, so the lens will not be able to move beyond it.

Are contact lenses uncomfortable?

On the contrary, they are so comfortable that you will not feel that you are wearing them. Soft contact lenses adapt to your cornea and are very easy to get used to, as well as being easy to apply.

Can they get stuck in the eye?

Another falsehood worth tearing down. Contact lenses are easily removed using the method explained by the professional.

When we fall asleep with contact lenses, watch a lot of television, or spend all day in them, they may be more difficult to remove, but they will never stick to the eye.

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Is lens care complicated?

Not at all, they have practically no drawbacks. They only need a liquid for daily cleaning and a sterilized case.

Can they get out of the eye and get lost?

By choosing the right type of contact lens for your vision problem, with the right curvature and taking good care not to rub your eyes or open them in a pool, you will have no problems.

Are teens allowed to wear contact lenses?

The recommended age to start using them is 13 years old, although there are cases of smaller ones. In any case, it is necessary that they know the basic care and be responsible with the lenses.

Can people over 40 wear contact lenses?

In reality, there is no “maximum” age, because they are adapted to the needs of each patient and the required prescription.

Will I be more vulnerable to eye infections?

Only in cases of an inadequate cleaning routine or poor contact lens care.

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Tips to take care of your contact lenses

Here is a kind of guide for beginners where you will learn the highlights when caring for and keeping your lenses in good condition (created by the American Academy of Ophthalmology)

Hygiene before wearing contact lenses

  • Before handling the contact lenses, you must wash your hands properly with mild soap and water, rinse well and dry with a lint-free towel.
  • Never rinse or clean your contact lenses with tap or sterile water, always use the special solution that is sold in pharmacies or opticians.
  • Do not use moisturizing drops, eye drops or saline solutions to disinfect the lenses, because they are not effective or adequate.

Contact lens care during use

  • Avoid contact with water (pool, hot tub or shower) when you have the lenses on and if you are going to bathe or swim, take them off.

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    • Replace your contact lenses according to the period prescribed by the doctor (approximately 2 years, if there have been no changes in the patient’s prescription ).
    • Follow the instructions for cleaning, storing, donning and removing contact lenses as taught by the eye care professional or manufacturer of the various products.
    • To clean, gently rub the lenses between your thumb and forefinger (or larger) with a good amount of cleaning solution.
    • Every time you use the case, you must remove the liquid and rinse with solution, not with tap water. When you have your lenses on, leave the case open to dry. Remember that they can be a great source of bacteria, contamination, and infections.

    Use of contact lenses

    • Do not reuse the cleaning solution, do not transfer the liquid from one case to another, because it can affect sterility and cause eye infection.
    • Never fill the case to the top. The lenses must “go down” to the bottom so that you can close it properly.
    • Pay close attention to the tip of the cleaning liquid bottle, it should not come into contact with any element or surface.
    • If you are going to store contact lenses for a long period, follow the instructions of the optician, because the liquid evaporates or is absorbed by the lenses and they can break when they remain “dry”.

    As you can see, wearing contact lenses is easier than you thought, as well as comfortable and safe. Consult with your trusted ophthalmologist if you want to start wearing them.

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