Benefits Of Consuming Soursop, A Delicious Tropical Fruit

Specifically, the study carried out by Lara Vega Tania Maribel at the Central University of Ecuador should be highlighted. The professional investigated whether the extracts of the soursop leaf have any antimicrobial effect on the Streptococcus mutans strain.

Soursop is a tropical fruit known for its powerful sweet and sour taste and beneficial properties. Its scientific name is Annona muricata.  The fruit of this plant, native to South America and Mesoamerica, grows in tropical environments and is recognized and named for the texture of its skin.

Soursop is also characterized by its prickly appearance, but despite this it is considered a “noble” fruit.  It is one of the fruits that stopped being used exclusively for creams, flavored products and desserts, to also produce some types of oils.

Among the most popular products, it is worth highlighting, for example, the “Champola”. This is a renowned drink that can be made using soursop as a base element. This drink is considered one of “the greatest glories of summer” in tropical countries.

However, the fruit not only stands out for its flavor. Next we will develop what are the properties of this tropical fruit and how they can affect the health of a person. Of course, in no case are they miraculous elements that can cure diseases.

It must be borne in mind that, to correctly address any disease, medical support is essential. In addition, eating well, including fruits with good properties such as soursop, and maintaining good lifestyle habits will be other important factors.

Woman drinking milk from a cup.

What effects does soursop have on the body?

Throughout history, the fruit has been used as a source of fiber and vitamins. In this way, it has generally been recommended to consume it to help combat problems of constipation or obesity. 

Specifically, fruit is an important source of vitamin C. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 are also part of its composition and it has iron, magnesium and potassium.

Now, in no case does this make the fruit a remedy that can treat these problems. The presence of these elements in the fruit makes soursop a good food that promotes the health of the person. But there is no scientific evidence that certifies the direct incidence of the elements in the body. 

Since 1998, articles and advertisements promoting the belief that soursop could cure cancer have gone viral on the Internet . It is important to disprove this myth, since no in vivo tests have been carried out to show that soursop is effective against any type of cancer in humans.

There are several studies on anonacin, the compound in soursop that is presumed to have anticancer effects. However, these studies were carried out in vitro or in vivo in animals, and there is still no clinical study in humans.

Cancer is a serious disease that in any case must be treated properly by doctors and professionals, not with home remedies.


Also read: 8 symptoms that alert you to a vitamin C deficiency

Would it help fight cavities?

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting the study carried out by Lara Vega Tania Maribel at the Central University of Ecuador. The professional investigated whether the extracts of the soursop leaf have any antimicrobial effect on the Streptococcus mutans strain , achieving good results.

The Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium that is normally found in the human oral cavity. It is part of dental plaque or dental biofilm . The bacterium is associated with the onset and development of dental caries, in fact it is the one that has the most influence on the development of the disease.

As Lara indicates in her research, ” dental caries is a common disease in humans, being a real problem for Public Health.” To be able to treat the problem properly it is essential to go to the dentist. In addition, it is possible to help prevent and combat it through certain natural remedies accompanied by good cleaning and health habits.

For years, substances of natural origin have been used for the prevention of oral diseases, mainly with antimicrobial properties. This, always in parallel with the medical treatment indicated in your case.

The purpose of Lara’s study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of soursop leaf and seed extract at concentrations of 5%, 15% and 25% on Streptococcus mutans strains , in vitro.

Finally, it was concluded that soursop leaf extracts do have an antimicrobial effect on the Streptococcus mutans strain, so that in this sense soursop could be effective.

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