5 Effective Remedies Against Warts On The Skin

Thanks to the antibacterial compounds in onion juice we can reduce the formation of warts as well as minimize subsequent scars that may remain after removal.

The remedies against skin warts are made with natural elements (food, spices, liquids, etc.) more or less everyday and easy to find in any supermarket. According to popular wisdom, they can be helpful in reducing the size of warts and facilitating their removal.

More than a cosmetic problem, warts are signs that indicate an infection with one of the subtypes of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Although they do not usually cause serious infections, they do generate some unwanted reactions. In this sense, looking for remedies against warts is usually something common for people who have them.

Generally, warts produce abnormal cell growth, which causes these painless and benign bumps that, most of the time, spread easily.

They often form on the hands, but it is also common to notice them on the neck, feet, and other visible areas of the skin. Although they can remain for a long time without causing complications, it is best to give them a treatment to eliminate them and prevent them from spreading.

Warts on the neck.

Fortunately, in addition to the treatments available in pharmacies, there are solutions of natural origin that, according to beliefs, help to eliminate them. Although they are widely used in a popular way, it is recommended to consult with the doctor the topical application of the remedies against warts and the possible contraindications of each one, depending on the case.

So, this time we want to share 5 good options, which, although not validated by scientific evidence, are used by people all over the world.

1. Apple cider vinegar to treat warts

Apple cider vinegar does not help you lose weight.

According to beliefs, apple cider vinegar contains acids that help fight the viruses that cause warts on the skin. Its compounds get rid of the dead cells that accumulate in the wart and allow it to soften and be easier to remove.

To enhance its effect, it is mixed with lemon juice, another ingredient to which antimicrobial and antiseptic properties are attributed.


  • 5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (50 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)


  • Add the apple cider vinegar to a bowl, then mix it with a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Application mode

  • First, dip a cotton ball in the liquid and apply it directly to the wart.
  • Then fix it with a bandage or tape, and wait for it to work for a while.
  • Repeat the operation for several days to see the results.

2. Oil of oregano

Oregano oil is another of the wart remedies that people consider popular. Antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties are attributed to it, which is why it is believed that it would help fight the viruses that cause warts, reducing the risk of infection and spread to other areas of the skin.

On the other hand, it is said that fatty acids, in addition to antioxidants, would create a protective barrier on the skin, facilitating the elimination of this problem, but without damaging the area.


  • 1 teaspoon of oregano oil (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)


  • Combine the oregano oil in equal parts with olive oil.

Application mode

  • First, rub the treatment on the wart, with a cotton swab or piece.
  • Afterwards, leave it to act without rinsing and use it 3 times a day.

3. Vitamin E and aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant with various uses and applications.

Applying a homemade vitamin E and aloe vera cream is another wart remedy that can also help restore skin health to wart-affected areas. Both ingredients contain antioxidants that contribute to the health of the skin.


  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (45 g)


  • Puncture a vitamin E capsule and mix the contents with the aloe vera gel.

Application mode

  • Rub the treatment onto the warts first.
  • Then leave it to act without rinsing.
  • Repeat 2 times a day, every day.

4. Ginger and raw potato

Another of the remedies against warts is a mixture of raw potato juice with ginger root. According to beliefs, the combination of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the ginger root and the nutrients of the potato juice, helps to reduce the size of the warts and to facilitate their elimination.


  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root (10 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of potato juice (30 ml)


  • Combine the grated ginger with the raw potato juice, until you get a paste.

Application mode

  • Put the product on the wart and cover it with a bandage.
  • Leave it on overnight and repeat daily.

5. Onion

Onion and lemon juice against cough

The antioxidant and antibacterial compounds in onion juice  can help reduce the formation of warts on the skin. In fact, external use accelerates the elimination of this problem and also helps prevent scars.


  • ½ onion
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g)


  • Extract the juice from half an onion and mix it with a teaspoon of salt.

Application mode

  • First, moisten a cotton ball with the remedy and rub it on the wart.
  • Next, fix the product with a bandage and leave it to work overnight.
  • Use it every day, until the wart is removed.

Don’t try to remove your warts

Under no circumstances try to remove warts with tweezers or any other type of tool or sharp object, since you will not only be mistreating the skin but also aggravating the problem.

Therefore, avoid handling warts at home and if you have considered using a home remedy against them,  choose one of the solutions mentioned and discuss it with your dermatologist. The professional will tell you if it is safe to use it in your case and what may be the best treatment for you. After all, everyone’s skin types are different, and each one may require a different treatment.

Keep in mind that you should never mix several home remedies at the same time, as this causes unfavorable reactions on the skin. Also, remember that the effects of home remedies are not immediate and, therefore, you must be constant in their application.

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