Combat Kidney Stones With Turmeric Ginger Tea

Turmeric ginger tea is said to help dissolve and expel kidney stones as long as they are still small in size.

Ginger and turmeric tea is a natural drink that, according to beliefs, could complement daily hydration, something essential when it comes to dissolving and expelling grit, stones and stones in the kidneys. 

It is easily prepared at home from the ingredients already mentioned, which stand out for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Next we will review a little the importance of maintaining kidney health and later we will tell you more about the drink.

The kidneys

The kidneys are excretory organs that are responsible for filtering toxins and impurities from the blood to expel them through the urine. Kidney stones are one of the conditions that this important part of the body usually develops.

They are solid pieces made up of substances present in urine. Its size can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pearl.

Kidney stones kidneys

Composed of minerals or proteins retained in the kidney, they are the cause of dangerous obstructions in the urinary tract. These, in turn, cause severe pain, blockages in the urine, and other symptoms.

The problem is that they don’t always tell you in a timely manner. In addition, since its size increases, complications occur that make its treatment more difficult.

And, although surgical intervention is necessary in some cases, there are some home remedies that can help dissolve them, such as ginger and turmeric tea. 

Ginger and turmeric benefits

Ginger is a root rich in several bioactive compounds, such as gingerol, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, and digestive properties. Therefore, it is considered that it can be a valuable food when it comes to alleviating various discomforts, including stones in the kidneys.

Meanwhile, turmeric is a spice contains curcumin, which confers antioxidant, antiinflammatory and analgesic.

According to popular beliefs, being anti-inflammatory and at the same time providing antioxidants (which contribute to the health of the entire organism), its consumption on a regular basis in the diet can be beneficial.

The combination of these two ingredients could help to hydrate the body, at the same time that it would contribute to the relief of discomfort when urinating and expelling the stones.

Ginger and turmeric tea recipe


  • ½ liter of water (500 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (5 g).
  • 1 piece of ginger root (1 inch or 2.5 cm).
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of honey (5 g).


  • Heat the water in a pot and, when it comes to a boil, pour it into a jug with the ginger root and turmeric powder.
  • Let it sit for 10-15 minutes for the spice extracts to concentrate.
  • After this time, pass the liquid through a strainer, pour a cup and sweeten it with honey.
  • Consume once a day maximum.


  • This drink should not be consumed by patients with liver diseases.
  • It is also not recommended in case of pregnancy or lactation period.
  • Patients with chronic heart disease should refrain from consuming the drink, as it could cause interactions.

Ginger and turmeric tea: a drink to stimulate urination

In any case, it is best to always consult your doctor before starting to consume this drink or any other home remedy, as it could be counterproductive.

In case the doctor authorizes the consumption of any drink or home remedy, take it as directed and always as a complement to a healthy lifestyle. Never as a substitute for medications or main meals.

There is no scientific evidence that ginger and turmeric tea is a 100% effective remedy for treating kidney stones. Therefore, its benefits come from anecdotal data.

It should not be taken as if it were a cure or treatment for any disease, but as a possible complement to a healthy lifestyle, if the doctor authorizes it.

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