Are Home Remedies Effective For Hernias?

Hernias can lead to certain health complications. For this reason, it is important to know how to handle them properly. In this space we will tell you if it is convenient to use home remedies.

Hernias can cause severe pain and, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications that affect movement, such as muscle atrophy, urinary incontinence, loss of mobility, or paralysis of the extremities. What to do to treat them?

Since it can lead to serious injury, any signs of hernias should be seen by a doctor. The professional, after making a diagnosis and determining the type of injury, can suggest certain types of treatments. In fact, depending on the type of hernia, surgery may be necessary, as detailed in this study published in 2016.

So are home remedies effective in fighting hernias? This time we want to answer this question. However, first of all, let’s do a brief review on hernias and their symptoms.

What is a hernia and what are its symptoms?

From Medical News Today they point out that hernias are  “abnormal protrusions created by a weakness or a hole, usually in the abdominal wall” and, although there is no concrete and real cause, there are risk factors. The risk of developing a hernia increases with age and is more common in men than women.

Although the actual cause of hernias is unknown, the weakening of the supporting tissues could be one of the important factors. In addition, there are other causes such as sudden extreme pressure on the stomach muscles or changes that occur due to aging, as you have already pointed out.

On the other hand, lifting objects that are too heavy, obesity or incorrect posture can also be important in the development of hernias.

The types of hernia are classified according to their location. We detail them below:

  • Femoral and inguinal: in the groin.
  • Hiatal: in the upper part of the stomach.
  • Umbilical: at the navel.
  • Disc: in the lumbar area.
  • Surgical or incisional.


The characteristic symptom of hernias is a bulge in the affected area. In some cases, patients may notice that the lump disappears when they lie down. On the contrary, this lump is more noticeable when standing, bending over or coughing. Other symptoms include the following:

  • Discomfort or pain in the area around the lump.
  • Heartburn.
  • Swallowing problems
  • Chest pain.

It should be noted that hernias can become asymptomatic. Sometimes some find out about it during a routine exam or because of an unrelated problem. 

Are home remedies effective for hernias?

The boom  in home remedies as a way to alleviate some health problems has made some wonder if it is possible to treat hernias with these types of alternatives. Well, as we have said, it is an injury that must be treated by the doctor.

Although on the internet you can see several remedies of natural origin that suggest being beneficial against the symptoms of this problem, there is no scientific evidence on their safety and efficacy. Also, they are not a first-line treatment and, in many cases, they can have harmful effects. In fact, most are ineffective.

It is true that some natural remedies serve as adjuvants against different conditions. However, in the case of hernias, they are not an option. It is best to follow the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follow the prescribed treatments.

Doctor pointing out a herniated disc

Treatments for hernias

Coinciding with information published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information , we have to say that surgery is the only effective treatment option against hernias. However, the doctor can determine whether or not it is necessary to resort to this type of procedure.

On the other hand, it is often suggested to improve your diet and increase your fiber intake in order to prevent constipation. The latter may involve straining during bowel movements, which can make the hernia worse. It is also advised to maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking.

Hernias should be treated by professionals

If you have a hernia and you were thinking of fighting it with home remedies, it is better to give up this option. Instead, ask your doctor about the therapeutic options for you. Also, try to maintain good habits, especially in terms of diet.

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