Cabbage And Its Benefits

Cabbage is a food that provides great benefits to our body. In order to enjoy them, it is recommended that we make sure we get organically grown specimens.

Cabbage belongs to the Brassicaceae family and is one of the most common vegetables grown throughout the world. Due to its high levels of flavonoids and anthocyanins, cabbage has long been used as a natural remedy. Furthermore, it is also known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you want to know more about cabbage and its health benefits, don’t miss this article. Do not forget that the key to good health is following a balanced diet and regular exercise, as well as always following the recommendations of the specialist when treating any medical condition.

Cabbage benefits


It is possible to consume cabbage in various ways, so its presence in various dishes is very common. However, cabbage has some characteristics that you probably did not know.

Cabbage contains phytochemicals associated with human health benefits. According to some studies, the beneficial effects have been attributed to antioxidant compounds such as ascorbic acid or vitamin C. In addition, there is new evidence that cabbage extract could protect against oxidative stress.

On the other hand, it is also believed that it may have hepatoprotective effects. Other studies suggest that it can work as a hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic agent, it could help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Striped cabbage

Despite this, cabbage is one of the vegetables that has or conserves the most pesticide residues. Therefore, it is best to consume organic vegetables and fruits, as this guarantees that their production meets the highest quality standards as well as that it does not affect our health.

Do not forget that another option is that you can grow and harvest your own cabbages yourself. For this you only need a small garden that you can easily set up at home. It is very economical and safe, since you are the person who knows perfectly how that food was produced.

How can we eat cabbage?

Coleslaw with pineapple

Finally, cabbage is best eaten accompanied. We do not mean that it has to be consumed accompanied by another person, but that this food enhances its qualities if it is consumed with other products.

To do this, it is best to consume cabbage accompanied by avocado, olive oil and even Parmesan cheese. You can also add lemon juice, which makes the iron in this vegetable better digested by the body.

Therefore, do not hesitate any longer and prepare a delicious salad that contains cabbage. Without a doubt, your body and your health will thank you greatly. If not, prepare it in other ways. The options are many.

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