Can A Daily Coffee Be Healthy?

Most experts in healthy eating recommend moderating your coffee consumption. However, did you know that several studies indicate that the adequate consumption of this stimulant could be beneficial for health? Read on and you will find out how a daily coffee could be healthy.

The coffee

Coffee contains a high concentration of caffeine. This alkaloid can also be found in kola nut, cocoa, energy drinks and some commonly used medications.

This substance has stimulating effects on the nervous system and the heart. That’s why, according to a 2017 study, excessive coffee consumption could lead to addiction, headaches, kidney problems and insomnia, by stimulating wakefulness.

However, different studies have indicated that those who drink coffee regularly would have a lower risk of diseases such as type II diabetes mellitus and endometrial and liver cancer.

On the other hand, several investigations have yielded contradictory results, since the sensitivity to the components of coffee is different for each person. Some of us should drink it in very small amounts and others, eliminate it completely from our diet.

Benefits attributed to a daily coffee


A study published in Science Daily suggested that people who consume a cup of coffee daily have a lower risk of getting gallstones.



People who drink a cup of coffee a day would have fewer depressive problems : it is believed that the stimulating effect of caffeine would decrease anxiety.

These effects were proven in a Harvard study that was published in 2012 through JAMA Internal Medicine . According to the publication, women who consume around 4 cups of coffee a day have up to a 20% lower risk of suffering from depression.

This drink is even associated with a decreased risk of suicide. However, more research is required to more accurately test how it works against these problems. 


It is firmly believed that drinking a cup of coffee during the day would help improve memory. Experiments with groups of older women (65 years old) who have been given three cups of coffee during the day have concluded that they have a better response to memory tests and a greater capacity for concentration and memorization than women who they only had one cup per day. However, there is no definitive scientific evidence in this regard.


As we have already mentioned, various experiments and studies have yielded positive results regarding habitual coffee consumption and its relationship with a lower risk of type II diabetes . It is believed that this drink would have a compound that could block the abnormal protein formations that are typical of this disease.

Antioxidant properties

The adequate consumption of coffee would have antioxidant effects on the tissues and organs of our body, based on the results of a study published in Antioxidants in 2013.

In conclusion

Remember that, although it is thought that coffee could be beneficial, it should be ingested in moderation to avoid affecting our health. In the event of any unexpected reaction, go immediately to the specialist.

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