Cracked Heels: Exfoliation And Foot Mask

Cracked heels are a common consequence of not moisturizing the skin on your feet regularly. And it is that, in general, we do not pay too much attention to this part of the body. We wash our feet in the shower, but we rarely bother to apply a little moisturizer after we dry off.

When the skin of the feet becomes excessively dry, cracks appear that cause discomfort, especially in the area of ​​the heels. In those cases, it is advisable to find a solution and apply it before the discomfort worsens.

Below we will tell you more about this problem and how you can easily fix it at home.

Causes of cracked heels

Not only the lack of daily application of a moisturizer can promote the appearance of cracks, also the use of improper footwear or poor posture when walking. However, it is true that a lack of hydration is usually the most common (and the easiest to solve on your own).

Why do we always forget about the health of our feet?

Dry Skin

Dry skin or xerosis is one of the reasons that can facilitate this problem to occur. This is because dry skin lacks hydration and elasticity.

Keep in mind that some people have very dry skin due to health problems, such as a thyroid disorder.

Inappropriate shoes

Inappropriate footwear also makes the heels crack more easily. In particular, this usually happens with shoes of poor quality and low cost, which apart from being made with materials that are very hard on the skin of the feet, prevent proper perspiration. Because of this, it is common for them to promote blisters.

Bad posture

If the weight of the body is not supported well when walking and standing, the heels will have to bear a greater load and will crack more easily. This is especially true if you put most of your weight on your heels rather than spreading it across the entire sole. For this reason, back pain is common.

Care routine

This routine is recommended to be done throughout the year.  This is so because, if the treatment is started when the heels are already dry, it will be much more difficult for it to be effective.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to this practice, the factors mentioned in the previous point must always be taken into account. Choose the right footwear and perform postural exercises that help us support our feet well.

It is also usually recommended to perform a session of foot reflexology on a regular basis. It is important to get used to walking barefoot through sandy and grassy areas, which, in addition, can be very beneficial for your health in general.

Home treatment for cracked heels


  • 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt, 30 grams.
  • 1 very ripe banana or ½ avocado, mashed well with a fork.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive, almond or coconut oil, 42 grams.


  • Mix all the ingredients well until you get a paste that is neither too liquid nor too thick.
  • If it is too thick, you should add a little water.
  • The feet are placed in a basin with hot water (at a bearable temperature, never boiling) and they are left to soak for about 5 minutes.
  • Then, with the help of a pumice stone, the dead cells are carefully removed from the sole of the foot. It should not be rubbed vigorously.
  • Afterwards, one of the feet is taken out and the mixture prepared above is applied and placed on a towel.
  • The same is done with the other foot.
  • After about 10 minutes, the feet are dried with a towel and a gentle massage is performed.
  • The procedure is repeated every 5 days in order to eliminate cracked heels.

Take care of your feet always and thus you will avoid cracks

It is important to get used to hydrating your feet well every day with a good cream (or a little Vaseline) so that the skin remains hydrated, elastic and in good condition, without cracks.

It is possible to use a specific moisturizing lotion for feet or a vegetable oil that is very nourishing. Among the most common natural options is olive oil, as well as sesame oil, almond oil, argan oil and, on the other hand, shea butter.

Although it is true that they can be applied at any time of the day, it is said that the idea is to do it at night, before going to sleep. Leave in the air for a few minutes so that the product is well absorbed and then put on clean, dry socks to achieve a better result.

Relaxing baths and gentle exfoliations can also be performed to keep the skin as smooth and cared for as possible.

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