Cucumber, Lemon And Mint Smoothie To Lose Weight

Thanks to the diuretic properties of its ingredients, this natural smoothie can be a great ally to cleanse, lose weight and prevent fluid retention

There is nothing more refreshing than this Cucumber Lemon Mint Smoothie. All the ingredients are natural and can be found in any kitchen with a moderately stocked healthy food.

Plus, this drink is delicious, extremely easy to make, and helps you lose weight naturally . Take a look at all the ingredients listed below to understand why this recipe allows you to lose weight quickly.

Cucumber benefits


Cucumber is a low calorie food, just 16kcal / 100g. When the total intake of calories during the day is less than those that are burned regularly, our body uses excess body fat automatically.

This cucumber smoothie promotes better digestion that leads to efficient metabolic work. The better your  metabolism , the higher the energy expenditure, the lower the fat accumulation and, therefore, the less weight you gain.

Cucumber is an excellent detoxifier. Made up of 95% water and 5% fiber, cucumber helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins that hinder the digestion process.

Detoxification is essential for a healthy digestive system, as it improves the digestion process and leads to an efficient metabolic process. In addition, the fiber present in cucumber increases satiety, controls appetite and prevents overeating.

Thanks to its high water content, cucumber is an excellent natural diuretic . It helps to eliminate sodium along with retained water from the body.

Peppermint benefits

Mint leaves are rich in fiber so they help:

  • Prevent indigestion.
  • It helps to control cholesterol, according to this study carried out by the University of Marília (Brazil).
  • Stimulate digestive enzymes.
  • Convert fat into usable energy.

In addition to promoting weight loss, peppermint improves digestion, prevents nausea, is an expectorant and prevents bad breath.

Mint leaves also contain small amounts of catechins and caffeine .  These are closely related to a slight acceleration of metabolism, according to this study by the Spanish Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists.

In this cucumber smoothie, peppermint provides an aromatic fragrance that can have a huge impact on your appetite, and control your cravings.

Lemon benefits

lemon water

The juice of one lemon contains almost a quarter of your daily needs for vitamin C, a great antioxidant. Antioxidants can help improve body function and improve general fitness.

Lemon juice It is a natural diuretic, so when added to water it helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body. This can help relieve bloating and constipation.

  • According to this study carried out by the National Agrarian University of the Jungle, polyphenols help fight free radicals.
  • Contains potassium.
  • The citric acid contained in lemon can help the liver to produce more bile, which aids in better digestion of food.

In this cucumber smoothie, the lemon will prevent the mint from oxidizing, although it is important that you drink the smoothie when preparing it.

Benefits of water

Water keeps the body hydrated, which is essential.  In addition, it lubricates the joints and muscles during exercise and helps the blood supply oxygen to the muscles.

Water also helps give you a feeling of fullness during meals , so you avoid bingeing.

In this cucumber smoothie, the water serves to hydrate the other ingredients and provides a more liquid consistency.

Cucumber, Lemon, and Mint Smoothie Recipe

Cucumber, lemon and jelly peel-off mask


  • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml)
  • 1 cucumber
  • 4 mint leaves
  • Ice
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, peel and remove the seeds from the cucumber and cut it into pieces.
  • Then, add all the ingredients to the blender and mix them until you get a smooth consistency.
  • If your blender doesn’t process the ice, you can add it later.
  • Lastly, put the smoothie in a pitcher and let it sit in the fridge for a few minutes before serving.

We suggest you consume this cucumber shake at least once a week on an empty stomach. Thus, you will keep your body constantly clean.

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