Do You Have A Creative Block? Combat It With These 5 Tips

Although we do not relate it, practicing physical exercise can be a great way to awaken our creativity, since it helps to clear the mind and allows us to think more clearly

Sometimes, we are faced with situations in which we feel a complete blockage of our creativity. We are unable to idealize, innovate and do activities that, in general, we execute without difficulties.

Therefore, it produces a slight feeling of frustration, since it becomes an obstacle to resolve conflicts or carry out projects that we have in mind. While we can handle this process at our convenience, sometimes we need some extra help.

For this reason, in the following space we want to share 5 simple tips that help us unblock thinking to be more creative.

What is creativity?


Creativity is one of the great faculties that human beings have. It is a process that takes place in the brain, which is defined as the ability to devise and innovate.

Often it is related to the ability to create an artistic work; however, it also encompasses that ability to find solutions to what seems to be lacking.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres: the right is responsible for creative thinking and the left for rational work. For this reason, although many do not develop their creativity too much, all have it to some extent. It is important to know how to stimulate it from childhood, since it has many benefits.

How to overcome a creativity block?

There are many moments when we feel like our creativity is blocked. We fail to execute our ideas, we feel stress and we spend hours and hours trying to find solutions to our problems.

But what happens to us? Why is our creativity reduced? The source may be overwork or anxiety. Sometimes, although we are creative, we let other emotions dominate our thinking.

For this reason, it is essential to act calmly, clear the mind and put aside those possible distractors that prevent us from using this ability.

1. Disconnect

To write a diary.

Currently, we have at our disposal a wide variety of technological tools that can facilitate the execution of many of the ideas we have. However, at times, its prolonged use can be overwhelming,  and hinder that ability to innovate and be more creative.

  • If you think this is the cause and you want to clarify, take a walk outside or find a quiet place where you do not need to use these items.

2. Share time with a friend

Sometimes we withdraw into ourselves and forget that other people can help us improve. In this way, spending time with a good friend relieves us of tension and increases positive thoughts.

Talking about the issues that affect us and knowing other opinions are very effective ways when we feel a creativity block or when there are downturns.

  • Make sure it is someone you trust, who can advise you without instilling fear or negativity.

3. Let your imagination fly

Meditating woman.

On the other hand, daydreaming is not unique to childhood. Throughout life we ​​can let our imagination run wild to generate ideas, set new goals and combat a creativity block.

We don’t need to spend hours thinking about what to do or how to do it. All you need to do is spend about ten minutes a day to completely relax your mind.

  • Try to do it in a calm, quiet and comfortable place, where there are no other distractions.
  • Then close your eyes, take a deep breath, and start thinking.

4. Search for references

When we have an idea and we cannot execute it due to lack of creativity, we can rely on the references we have in our environment.

Although it is not about taking the ideas of the other, there are many details that can contribute to the execution of the project we have in mind.

  • Choose the references of your industry and other professional fields. Do not limit yourself to a single example: look at several and take the details that you can adapt to what you require.

5. Do physical exercise

Woman stretching.

Finally, the daily practice of physical activity is one of the best habits to keep creativity afloat. While known for its physical health benefits, it confers many mental health benefits.

Exercise effectively fights stress and helps clear your mind when problems prevent you from thinking clearly.

  • Dedicate 20 or 30 minutes a day to a training routine and use this time to clarify yourself.

Of course, in addition to the recommendations given, when you suffer a creativity block you can carry out activities that help you exercise it. Read a book, write or practice any art regularly to keep her always active.

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