Everything You Should Know About Bursitis

Although there are natural remedies that can help relieve inflammation and pain, if we suffer from bursitis the first thing we should do is go to a specialist to get a diagnosis doctor

The human body has a high probability of suffering from localized inflammations that can be associated with various factors. A clear example of this is bursitis, an uncomfortable and painful illness that is more common than it is believed.

Also known simply as a bursa, it is a bag or sac wrapped in synovial tissue and viscous fluids, located in various parts of the body. In other words, the bursa is a kind of “pad” for the bones.

Its main function is extremely important, since it prevents friction between the bone ends. In this way, you avoid diseases such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

What is bursitis?

Woman with pronation of the elbow

Based on the previous findings related to the synovial bursa, bursitis is its inflammation. However, it  is called this way when irritation is present. This condition tends to affect the joints present in:

  • Elbows.
  • Pelvis.
  • Heels.
  • Dolls.
  • Shoulders.
  • Knees.
  • Phalanges (both hands and feet).

Types of bursitis

Despite being an apparently simple problem, it can be divided into two main types:


  • It is characterized by the red coloration in the skin tissues and a slightly higher temperature with reference to the rest of the body.
  • The main cause is infection.


  • It does not differ much from the previous type. In itself, it is the evolution of a prolonged acute bursitis.
  • In this case, the pain and redness are much more marked.
  • Regarding the causes, it can occur due to previous joint injuries.

What are your causes?

Virtually anyone can get bursitis. Despite this, the most affected are the elderly. Therefore, the main cause of this condition is overuse or, rather, the repetition of movement on the joint.

However, people who perform certain repetitive activities are also affected. In this way, from swimmers to carpenters have a high probability of suffering from bursitis. On the other hand, direct trauma and some diseases such as gout also have a direct influence on its appearance.

How to recognize bursitis?

As indicated in the MSD Manual, it is not very complex to recognize this disease, and even less so if you are a person dedicated to performing repetitive movements on one or more joints.

Although the symptomatological picture depends on the area where the problem occurs, the most feasible are the following:

  • Rigidity.
  • Swelling.
  • Joint pain.
  • Redness
  • Fever (more serious cases).
  • Tenderness in the area around the affected joint.

What to do if you experience it?

Pain, inflammation and a feeling of discomfort lead to looking for alternatives of any kind. However, the most appropriate thing to do in the first place is to go to a health professional.

Once an official diagnosis has been obtained, its recommendations must be followed to the letter. However, we can resort to different natural alternatives to complement medical treatment and relieve symptoms.

In any case, as always, we recommend that you consult with the specialist before starting an alternative treatment. 

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar for the skin.

Although there is no scientific evidence to confirm this, it is said that apple cider vinegar contributes to the decrease of the inflammation that causes bursitis.


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

Preparation and use

  • First, mix the vinegar and honey in a bowl.
  • Then use an absorbent towel or cloth to soak it in the mixture.
  • Then, we will apply it on the area affected with bursitis and let it act for a few minutes.


Ginger is distinguished by its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it has been proven that its use (orally) contributes to blood circulation, which can be useful in obtaining relief in case of bursitis.


  • 3 tablespoons of grated ginger (30 g)
  • ½ cup of hot water (125 ml)

Preparation and use

  • First of all, ginger can be grated at home or pre-grated.
  • Then, we will wrap it in a gauze or cloth (not too thin, not too thick) and then we will submerge it in hot water.
  • Thus, we will wait a couple of minutes for its properties to be concentrated.
  • Next, we will apply the hot gauze to the area affected by bursitis, taking care not to burn ourselves.
  • Finally, we will let it act for a few minutes.

If you think you may be suffering from bursitis, avoid self-medication and home remedies until you have been able to see your doctor. The professional should do a check-up and, based on it, determine what is most convenient for you, so that you can improve yourself.

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