Fight Sleep Apnea With These Tips

Harmful habits like smoking can have a lot to do with the onset and development of sleep apnea. On the contrary, others such as singing could be of help in handling this problem.

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious disorder  in which breathing repeatedly stops and restarts while you sleep. Pauses can last from one to several seconds and can  take one or more breaks throughout the night. Later  with each pause the breathing returns to normal.

If you snore loudly and feel tired even after sleeping through the night, you may have sleep apnea. However, not all people with sleep apnea snore. Also, not all people who snore have apnea.

Therefore, if you have any doubts, we recommend that you consult your doctor. He will determine if your symptoms correspond to sleep apnea and will do the necessary studies to determine it. 

People who are most at risk for apnea are: men, people who are overweight, and people over 40 years of age, family history of apnea, or small airways. In addition, it is a common problem in those who suffer from asthma or respiratory complications.

Here are some tips that can help you manage sleep apnea.  

Tips to avoid sleep apnea

These tips are not a substitute for a doctor’s advice, but they can help you manage your sleep apnea symptoms.

Good sleep helps control appetite

Rearrange your sleep hours

The most common way that you can treat sleep apnea is to organize your sleep schedules. . Make sure they are continuous and always the same.   This brings the body into a “lighter” state of rest.  Try to have a dream  7 to 8 hours a night and set a certain schedule for yourself.

Lose body fat

Sleep apnea has been linked to obesity. The fat that accumulates in the throat and neck can be dangerous as it can block the airways. This can promote snoring and the interruption of precise lung activity.

Losing weight can help reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. This is confirmed by research such as the one published in 2004 in the journal Revista de Medicina de la Universidad de Navarra.

It is enough that you include a simple exercise routine and that you reduce the processed foods, rich in sugars or with a lot of fat.  

To manage sleep apnea: sleep on your side

When you sleep on your back, it is more difficult for your respiratory system to avoid the symptoms of sleep apnea. In that position  the  The tongue and soft tissues of the throat will naturally fall to the back of the mouth. This can block the airway and cause snoring.

In addition to sleeping on your side, place a pillow between your knees while you sleep, to prevent your body from shifting position involuntarily.

Also avoid sleeping on your stomach. The two positions favor the interruption of sleep and you will end up snoring more.

Incorporate exercise into your routine 

Woman unfolding yoga mat

To lose weight includes physical activity. TO l constantly exercising strengthens your airways This means that when you are looking to sleep, it will be easier for you to achieve it.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet

According to Dr. Diego GarcĂ­a Borreguero, Medical Director of the International Sleep Institute, the absorption deficit of magnesium, vitamin B complex, zinc, copper, calcium and iron in the daily diet is linked to sleep disorders.

Therefore, it is key to ensure that we maintain a balanced diet that includes all these nutrients if we want to keep sleep disorders, and specifically sleep apnea, away.

Avoid passive or active smoking

Smoking is one of the causes of sleep apnea. The chemicals that smoke or tobacco put into your body cause constriction, inflammation, and irritation in the airways.  If you want to stop snoring, l or ideal is to avoid cigarettes and tobacco in any of its forms

Singing can be positive for sleep apnea

Woman singing and playing guitar

Although it seems strange,  sing generates a strengthening of the soft tissues of the palate and throat. Therefore, to Increasing muscle control in these areas reduces the chances that the airways will become blocked from loose or lax muscles.

Research like that carried out by UK researchers confirms this. The research group conducted a study to determine whether singing classes reduced snoring in a group of people who snored. They found that snoring was reduced in most subjects. Now that you know, try to sing from time to time!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a good voice, all you need to do is choose your favorite song and sing it.  Also, remember that singing helps you release stress.

These tips may help you manage sleep apnea. In any case, we recommend that you consult a doctor if you think you have the symptoms of this disorder.

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