Five Ways To Prepare Cocktails

Do you know how to prepare cocktails? These drinks are an essential element at parties and meetings, as well as an excellent companion to end the day.

To prepare cocktails at home like a professional it is necessary to learn certain tricks and have some tools. Next, we explain them to you.

Five ways to prepare cocktails

The Boston Mixer

First, the Boston mixer. It consists of two glasses of equal size, which can be made of glass or stainless steel, and a strainer. It is used to mix and shake the ingredients of some cocktails.

You can use one of the glasses when it comes to just mixing or adjusting the glasses to each other when you want to shake. And to serve the preparation the strainer will be used. In addition, it has a metal spiral around the edge to remove the citrus pulp.

Preparing cocktails with this tool, also known as a shaker, can be quite a ritual. And  there are professionals who use the shaker with very particular styles.

Way of preparing cocktails.

  • One of the most famous drinks that is prepared in this type of mixer is the popular Margarita. Ice is put in the blender glass. Then tequila, Triple Sec and lemon juice are added, in equal parts, and the content is shaken.
  • To serve it, moisten the rim of a glass with a lemon wedge. Then it is dipped in a plate with salt so that it sticks to the edge.

The exact measurement

Preparing cocktails consists, above all, of mixing two or more ingredients. Therefore, one of the secrets to guarantee a perfect mix is ​​to use the exact measurement of each component.

To achieve this it  is necessary to have a meter, and we can find them very varied. In addition, meters are almost always made up of two opposing cones, one 15 ml and the other 30 ml.

For example, El Negroni, which is one of the oldest and best-known cocktails, has three types of alcoholic beverages in its preparation. To obtain a better result, it is essential to prepare it using a meter.

  • This cocktail contains 30 ml of Gin, 30 ml of Sweet Vermouth and 30 ml of Campari. Some small ice cubes in a glass, a slice of orange and you’re good to go.

The ice

Ice prepared for cocktails.

It is a key element to obtain good results. Contrary to what it may seem, ice not only influences the temperature of a cocktail, but also its quality. It is not a simple complement, but the true protagonist.

For this reason, the ice must be transparent, have no taste or smell and be very cold. Some cocktails are served with ice frappe or crushed ice. In addition to cooling quickly, it is aesthetically important in many beverages.  The “slush” effect is almost essential.

Other mixes are served with whole ice cubes; it is important that these are large and solid. Small ice cubes melt very quickly, altering the flavor of the drink by adding water and diluting the flavors.

Therefore, having the appropriate ice buckets at home allows you to prepare quality ice. However, nowadays you can buy bags of good ice cubes in any market.

  • The Aperol Spritz is a delicious and refreshing cocktail that is prepared with four or five large ice cubes, half an orange slice, two measures of Aperol or Campari, three measures of white wine or champagne, and one measure of soda or sparkling water.

The twist

The twist is the orange  or lemon peel that is part of certain cocktails. It is not just a garnish, it is a fundamental part of the drink and one more ingredient.

For the citrus oils to be released, which are what give the touch of flavor and aroma, it is important to cut strips of lemon or orange peel. We must avoid leaving the white part because it can leave a bitter taste.

  • The Martini is undoubtedly the king of cocktails. It is prepared by placing a lemon twist in a glass and adding 75 ml of Gin, 22 ml of dry Vermouth, a touch of orange liqueur, previously mixed in a shaker with ice, and an olive to decorate.


Finally, the mortar is an indispensable tool to prepare some cocktails. It is used to crush fruits, herbs, and sugar. The best is the classic, wooden model.

Two glasses of caipirinha.

  • Caipirinha, for example, cannot be prepared without this utensil. To make this classic cocktail of Brazilian origin, half a lemon cut into several pieces and two teaspoons of sugar is placed in a glass. The lemon is crushed with the mortar, 50 ml of cachaça and a lot of crushed ice are added.

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