Foods To Show Off More Beautiful Skin And Hair

If you want your skin and hair to look like that of the famous, if you want to look radiant on an important date, if you are tired of your hair being dull and your face losing elasticity and youth, do not hesitate to continue reading. Learn about the best foods to show off prettier skin and hair.

Foods for healthier skin

What you eat may be causing your skin to appear dull, oily, acne-ridden, or blemished, ultimately less beautiful and less healthy.

Some foods have the ability to favorably modify the imperfections that may appear. If you change your diet, if you start eating healthier, you will surely notice it on your skin.


Tomato juice to improve the skin

Tomato is one of the best foods you can choose to take care of your body and eliminate toxins. This is because it has an important antioxidant lycopene, which protects the skin from damage that can be caused by exposure to sunlight. In fact, in recent years the positive effects of lycopene creams on the skin have been studied.

In order to take advantage of its properties, it is necessary that you consume it fresh and natural. In case of sunburn, you can place tomato slices on the burned skin, they will absorb the heat.


It has components that stimulate the growth of enzymes responsible for protecting and improving the skin. Skin that is treated with broccoli extract and then exposed to sunlight had almost 40% less swelling or redness according to a study published in the journal “JAMA.”

Bitter chocolate

Eating chocolate with a lot of cocoa and less milk and sugar has several effects, not only for your skin, but also improves your mood and the ability to perform more.

In the case of aesthetics, we can say that this sweet softens and improves the appearance of the skin, since it contains various substances with the ability to reduce premature aging, fatigue and sleep problems.

However, it is necessary to be careful with its consumption in the case of individuals with acne. A study published in the “International Journal of Dermatology” concluded that regular consumption of this food can worsen the problem of acne in male subjects.

Red meat

As long as you consume them without fat and grilled (not fried), you can take advantage of their benefits on the skin. Red meat contains substances such as protein or zinc that can effectively treat acne according to the following study published in the journal “Dermatologic Therapy.”

They also provide amino acids such as glycine and proline. All of these compounds increase collagen synthesis and help improve the general condition of the skin. You can also find them in fish, cottage cheese , lentils, and black beans.

Olive oil and flaxseeds

Olive oil for skin

They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. They will help you combat dry skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, the scientific literature affirms that the regular intake of this type of fatty acids can be effective in preventing or treating inflammatory skin diseases.

And in the case of olive oil, it can be used topically to remove dry skin and prevent the spread of dandruff, for example.


Certain types of fish have nutrients that can protect cells in the body and skin.

The omega 3 fatty acids that come from oily fish such as salmon and hake stimulate the repair and protection of cells. They are recommended for people suffering from dermatitis or inflammatory diseases.

Healthy skin and hair: ideal foods for your hair

If you want your hair to look really beautiful and healthy every day, reduce the damage caused by dye, irons, treatments and the sun, then do not hesitate to take advantage of these foods :


Kiwi, a good food for hair

This small and at the same time wonderful fruit has a good amount of vitamin C and therefore helps us absorb iron from the other foods we eat. This results in healthier hair. Do not forget to combine the kiwi for dessert with foods such as lentils.

Iron deficiency has been linked to hair loss according to the following article published in the “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.”


They provide proteins and other minerals that promote hair health. Plus, they offer selenium. This nutrient improves the health of the scalp.

The omega 3 fatty acid and alpha linolenic in walnuts condition hair. Almonds have a lot of zinc, which prevents the strands from falling out.

Green vegetables

Broccoli, a food for skin and hair care

Chard, broccoli, spinach and other green vegetables have many vitamins and minerals that take care of your hair.

In the case of vitamins A and C, they have the ability to produce more of the oils that the scalp needs to strengthen hair. And as if that were not enough, they have calcium and iron.


Bacon is unhealthy if eaten in abundance. However, it contains zinc, protein and other B vitamins, crucial for us to keep hair shiny and thick. You can consume turkey bacon or reduced sodium to avoid neglecting the diet.

Lean beef

Lean meat has an excellent amount of iron, therefore it should be consumed, although less frequently than white meat . If we do not have normal levels of this nutrient, we are more likely to lose our hair.


One unit provides us with about 4 grams of protein and also a good amount of vitamin B12 . If you lack this nutrient, it is more likely that you will have gray hair or less pigmented hair according to scientific literature.

Eggs are also rich in biotin, related to hair and nail growth.

To keep in mind!

As you can see, it is very easy to take care of your skin and hair by paying attention to what you eat. Watch your diet, make sure you eat enough of the foods that we have mentioned and in a very short time you will have spectacular skin and hair.

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