Habits That Help You Reduce The Risk Of Dementia

As unlikely as it may sound, it is possible to lower your risk of dementia. Although this disease increases progressively by affecting many functions of the brain, some habits can help us reduce the risk of dementia.

In this article you will discover the importance of having an active attitude and your mind always ready to enhance brain activity. Of course, these habits do not keep us fully protected from suffering from dementia, but they can help reduce the risk of suffering from it.


Dementia is characterized by the loss or decrease of some mental faculties. Above all, it affects memory , behavior and reasoning ability. This deterioration, unfortunately, is usually chronic and progressive.

The usual thing is that it manifests itself in elderly people, to the point that they become patients dependent on all kinds of care. In addition to genetic predisposition, there are some factors that can increase the risk of dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association :

  • Diabetes.
  • Smoking
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Some types of depression.
  • Elevated cholesterol levels.
  • Contusions to the head that lead to loss of consciousness.
  • Cerebrovascular disease

How to reduce the risk of dementia?

Woman reading on her tablet.

1. Could boosting memory lower the risk of dementia?

One of the most common symptoms of dementia is memory loss. For this reason, it may be a good idea to propose to exercise this ability daily. Every night when we go to bed, we can do a mental review of what we have done and the details that we can remember.

Another way to exercise memory could be to pay as much attention as possible every time we visit a new place, do a new activity or meet someone. We can focus on reviewing what we have learned and relating it to sensory issues that help us.

2. Stimulate your abilities

There are people who are more interested in numbers, while others prefer letters. Whatever your tastes, although it is convenient to dedicate time to everything, we can find a way to entertain ourselves with mental exercises.

And it is that research such as that published in 2005 in the journal PLOS Medicine confirms that those adults without dementia who participate in more intellectually challenging daily activities show less decline over time in various cognitive performance tests. 

An excellent option if we are interested in calculations are the sudokus that have become so fashionable in recent decades. On the other hand, if we prefer letters, we can read every day for a long time.

Man doing a crossword in the newspaper.

3. Participate in meetings and discussions

Any type of social activity in which there is an interaction with other people and other ways of thinking stimulates the brain and, therefore, could help reduce the risk of dementia. For example, participating in meetings increases brain activity through the exchange of different opinions.

The fact of arguing and defending an idea puts neurons to work. Through language, in this type of colloquia or discussions with friends, memory, reasoning and the creation of ideas are exercised. This aspect is necessary since some diseases such as Alzheimer’s affect the learning of new information in the person.

4. Look for emotional stability

Changes in sexuality in old age

It is very important that the person with dementia feels the love and understanding of their family environment. For many, it is difficult to cope with the degenerative disease of a loved one. However, an emotional stability helps to improve the quality of life of the affected person.

Patient care, therefore, must be comprehensive. It is important to take care not only of the physiological needs, but also the affective, family and social ones. In this way we can prevent or, if you already suffer from dementia, greatly slow down the loss of abilities.

The results of observational studies summarized in research published in 2009 by the Indian Journal of Psychiatry suggest that the degree of social commitment, marriage, living with someone and avoiding loneliness may have a protective effect on the development of dementia that it could be applicable to both Indian and Western societies.

5. Physical activity against the risk of dementia

Studies like the one published in 2011 by the Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggest that aerobic exercise is associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia. That is why it is advisable to maintain physical activity as well as keep fit.

Along these lines, a good tip to put into practice is to do 30 minutes of daily exercise appropriate to our age and physical condition. In fact, what is most difficult for us to do is what we should insist on the most.

Ideal exercises for those over forty.

Always take care of yourself and you will appreciate the benefits!

Maintaining young, active and positive thinking, as well as good lifestyle habits, will bring multiple health benefits.

Additionally, learning to adapt to changes is convenient to avoid dementia. Especially when it comes to a problem that has already run in the family, trying to take all possible measures can help delay or even prevent the onset of dementia.

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