Habits That Make You Sick (and You Didn’t Know It)

Although we think they are the healthiest, or we have been practicing them all our lives, there are certain habits that it is better to discard so as not to put our health at risk

We know that going out uncovered in winter can make us catch a cold. Or that overeating causes indigestion. However, there are many more habits that make us sick and that we repeat daily without knowing it.

In this article we show you what they are so that you try to avoid them or, at least, know the reasons for certain diseases.

What habits make us sick?

Of course, no one likes to be sick, have uncomfortable symptoms, and suffer from pain all over the body. However, ignoring the consequences of certain habits is when complications appear and we find ourselves in need of antibiotics.

Among the habits that make us sick we find:

Hang clothes inside the house

Hang clothes inside the house

When it rains and we wash our clothes, we usually place them either near the stove or in the bathroom. Perhaps in the kitchen, next to the oven, or in the living room so that, at least, it can be ventilated with the window ajar.

However, drying clothes indoors has significant risks. By creating a humid environment, optimal conditions are created for the growth of mold, fungi and dust mites.

Skip breakfast

Some due to lack of time, appetite or habit. The truth is that many people do not eat breakfast before leaving home. And this is one of the habits that make us sick.

First, because the body needs energy to face the day, and second, because by not eating early, the stomach will need more nutrients in the following hours.

As a consequence, they have a copious lunch or snack between meals. This leads to weight gain and related diseases, such as cholesterol, hypertension or diabetes.

Lying to the doctor

Whichever specialist it is, it is likely that we will tell you a white lie in the consultation. If this happens, the doctor will not be able to help you cure your discomfort or heal your disease.

It also causes misdiagnosis and poor drug supply. All this could worsen the picture and even put your life at risk.

Wear uncomfortable shoes

Wear uncomfortable shoes

It is true that heels stylize the figure. However, abuse of this element can lead to long-term problems. Keeping the foot on tiptoe too long causes muscle problems in the calves and the soles of the feet. On the other hand, hip, knee or cervical alterations can occur.

Footwear always has to be comfortable, regardless of fashion or advertising. Otherwise, the problems appear: calluses, athlete’s foot, peeling, bad smell, swelling and even sprained ankles.

Brush your teeth when you finish eating

It is true that oral cleaning is essential, but the problem lies in the moment in which we carry it out.

If you go quickly to brush your teeth immediately after lunch or dinner, you will prevent the saliva from neutralizing the pH well and the enamel of the teeth will be damaged by the acids in the food.

Wait at least 30 minutes to do it, in the meantime you can drink water.

Eat right before bed

Finishing with the last bite and already being covered and wearing pajamas in bed is not a good idea. The reasons?

  • First of all, because you will suffer from indigestion.
  • It will be difficult for you to fall asleep.
  • The digestion process is slower if you are lying down, so weight gain is favored.

In addition, it is bad to eat too much at dinner, especially if we want to avoid insomnia and the dire consequences for our body.

Eating without appetite

Another bad habit that is related to eating has to do with eating when you are bored, sad or anxious.

Without realizing it, we can eat large amounts of food, mix ingredients and end up with great indigestion. Eating due to nerves, depression or stress not only causes weight gain, but stomach upsets of all kinds.

Work all night

Although there are many people who say that in the early morning hours they perform better, the truth is that at night the brain and the body slow down their metabolism.

In addition, it is not the same to sleep during the day if we want to rest after a late night. Working at night is synonymous with imbalances in the biological clock and that can cause stress, irritability and even excess weight.

Store potatoes in the refrigerator

This popular vegetable in many homes holds a secret that is worth revealing. The starch it contains turns into sugar when refrigerated.

The problem with this is that, when cooked, it becomes carcinogenic.

For example, some studies have revealed that potatoes that have been stored in the fridge and later fried form a substance called acrylamide that is linked to cancer.

To bite nails

This is another of the harmful habits that make us sick. Since it not only affects the beauty of the hands, by causing deformities in the fingers, for example, but also the health of your teeth, the enamel wears away when scratched with the nails.

As if that were not enough, we can catch all kinds of diseases, since dirty fingers are in contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Open the windows in the morning

Open the windows in the morning

Surely your mother or grandmother have told you that it is necessary to air the house when we get up, especially if it has dawned sunny or after many days of rain.

That advice was good for times gone by or for those who don’t live in the city. Although we think that the air that enters is fresh, it is full of pollution that can make us sick.

Heating food in plastic containers

It is very common to take food to the office to save some money. The plastic containers used serve as a plate and also as a saucepan. Therefore, they are placed directly in the microwave to heat.

Beyond the fact that the use of that oven is bad for our health, things get complicated when we introduce the lunch box: the plastic contains Bisphenol A, a chemical compound that, at high temperatures, becomes toxic and that, inevitably, passes to the food.

You already know, avoid these habits that make you sick whenever possible and be in good health.

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