Homemade Anti-wrinkle Masks: Are They Effective?

Good wrinkle creams available in beauty stores tend to be quite expensive. In addition, sometimes, it includes certain chemical compounds that we are not aware of and can cause allergies. Therefore, a practical and economical way to take care of the skin is to create the natural facial mask that you like the most with the ingredients you have at home.

It only requires that you have a little time to prepare it and that you be constant in its application. After all, many of the anti-wrinkle creams that we buy contain products such as avocado, argan oil, honey, etc.

Below we offer you recipes so that you can make your own homemade mask, according to your taste and your skin.

Also read Use this basic routine for your skin care

Homemade avocado mask

mask with avocado

Why avocado?

It contains essential fatty acids, therefore it is also very suitable not only for wrinkles, but also for dry skin. In addition, it is rich in phytochemicals that help protect against free radicals. It contains folic acid and vitamin C, B6, A and E, essential for the health and beauty of the skin. This is shown by this study published in Food chemistry  and this research by Connective tissue research.


  • Half avocado
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil.


  1. First, cut the avocado and mash the pulp of half an avocado with a fork.
  2. Then, little by little, add the olive oil and continue stirring until you obtain a homogeneous cream without lumps.
  3. Apply at night making a massage so that it is absorbed little by little.
  4. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes
  5. Then wash it off with cool water.
  6. If you do it at least three times a week in the long term, you will notice the benefits on your skin.

Also read How to use avocado to restore damaged hair

Anti-wrinkle mask with carrot

carrot mask

Why carrots?

Carrots have great “cosmetic” properties thanks to their concentration of beta-carotene and antioxidants. These components fight the signs of aging and protect the skin against external aggressions such as UV rays. A great ally without a doubt against wrinkles.


  • 2 carrots
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt.


  1. First, wash and peel the carrots.
  2. Afterwards, cut them into small pieces and take them to a blender or a mixer to obtain a very homogeneous mixture.
  3. Next, add the juice of half a lemon and three tablespoons of natural yogurt.
  4. Get a paste thick enough to form the mask.
  5. Apply with a massage for at least twenty minutes, either in the afternoon or at night.
  6. Then wash it off with fresh water.
  7. You can wear it two to three times a week.

If you are constant little by little you will see improvements. The skin will be cared for, protected and nourished.

Also read Health-related properties of carrots

Cucumber and chamomile mask

Why cucumber?

Cucumber hydrates.  It is an ideal remedy for the skin thanks to its high content of water and vitamin E. Its moisturizing properties are excellent and it protects from the sun. It is perfect for those days when we have a tired face.

It also relaxes.  Thanks to its relaxing and antioxidant properties, it is ideal for reducing puffiness and dark circles.

This mask is perfect for those days when we wake up tired, with puffy eyes and looking bad. The cucumber and chamomile act as revitalizing, so do not hesitate to prepare those days when you look bad in front of the mirror.


  • Half a cucumber.
  • A tablespoon of chamomile flowers.


  1. First, peel the cucumber
  2. Then cut it into small pieces.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the chamomile infusion:  heat a cup of water and, when it boils, pour some chamomile flowers there.
  4. Let the infusion cool and then mix it with the cucumber pieces.
  5. Now, take this mixture to the blender until it is a homogeneous mixture.
  6. Take it to the fridge and leave the mixture there for ten minutes. This way it will be fresh when you apply it to your face.
  7. Keep the mask on your face for at least 20 minutes. It will make you feel good, clear and revitalize your complexion on those days when you look the most tired.

Also read What are the benefits of consuming cucumber frequently

Cucumber skin cream


  • Cucumber puree (25 grams).
  • Jojoba oil (25 grams).
  • Grapeseed oil (25 grams).
  • Distilled water (25 grams).
  • Lemon essential oil (2 drops).
  • Rose essential oil (1 drop).


    1. First, mix the ingredients in a bowl.
    2. Then, beat a lot since the water and oil should mix well.
    3. When everything is mixed, pour the cream into the jar that you are going to use.
    4. You can start applying the cream immediately.

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