Homemade Tricks To Remove Mold From The Home

There is nothing more annoying and unhealthy than those fungi that grow in the humid spaces of our home, in the kitchen, on the tiles, on the carpet, on the walls and in those unexpected corners where, suddenly, we find those uncomfortable stains . Here we will teach you some homemade tricks to eliminate mold from your home.

What is mold and why does it appear?

Aspergillus mold

Mold is a type of fungus. It does not belong to the animal or plant kingdom. They are a different type of cells that grow in colonies, as long as the necessary conditions exist for it:

  • An adequate oxygen level.
  • High humidity.
  • Also high temperature.

Obviously, we cannot have our home in very low temperatures all year round. It is impossible, so the only thing we can do is control the humidity and establish regular cleanings. It is also important to remember that there are different types of mold and that some of them are really toxic, such as aspergillus.

People with breathing problems can experience very serious reactions when they come into contact with them.

How can we prevent and eliminate mold?

Sometimes we buy chemical products in stores that, far from giving us the results we expect, cause more risks than benefits. There are really practical and economical solutions that will help us in that day to day. Affordable ideas with which to eliminate mold. Take note:

1. Humidity control


As we have already pointed out to you before, we cannot always have our house at low temperatures to avoid the presence of these unhealthy fungi, but what we can do is control the humidity. We explain how:

  • Molds love poorly ventilated spaces with high temperatures. Hence, it always appears in the basements, under the woods, in the corners of our kitchen, in the closets, in the storage rooms. A simple solution is to regularly ventilate these spaces.
  • Open the windows of your rooms, your kitchen and let the breeze renew these spaces. It is almost the same that happens with our beds: you know that it is not good to lay it out immediately and leave it well ordered as soon as we get up. Ideally, allow the sheets to air a little outside to carry the mites away. It is the same with mold.
  • If the mold problem is serious in your home, you always have the option of installing small air purifiers. This option would already cost us money but, in case of having a person with respiratory problems at home, it would be recommended.

2. Tea tree oil

We have talked to you on more than one occasion about the great benefits of tea tree oil. It is a great natural disinfectant with which you can obtain optimal results. You can buy it in any natural store or specialized supermarket. It will serve you many things and is really practical to eliminate mold. Take note of how to do it:


  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil (40 grams).
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • A bottle with a diffuser.
  • Gloves.


First of all, remember to put on the gloves to protect yourself. Mold can cause unexpected reactions and it is best not to touch it with your hands. Once ready, you just have to mix the water with the tea tree oil in the bottle and shake, then use the diffuser and apply the mixture to those areas affected by mold.

Let it work for half an hour and you will see how it disappears by itself.

3. White vinegar

white vinegar to remove mold

A trick as simple as it is inexpensive. White vinegar removes 90% of mold from our homes.

It is excellent, for example, for those areas of the bathrooms that are always a little more hidden (closets, behind the toilet or doors) and where this fungus usually appears.

How can we benefit from white vinegar to eliminate mold? Take note:


  • ½ glass of white vinegar (100 ml).
  • A spray bottle.


The idea is to fill a plastic bottle with white vinegar and always have it ready for our daily cleaning. Once you have it prepared, just spray those surfaces where the mold is and wait for it to dissolve. The best thing to do is to repeat it at least twice a week, looking for those humid and poorly ventilated corners where this annoying -and dangerous- microorganism can appear.

Shall we start putting it into practice today?

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