How Do I Know If My Child Is Bullying?

How do I know if my child is harassing or bullying ? Bullying is increasingly present in schools and it is difficult to detect in time. We know the profile of people who are victims of bullying: very quiet, shy, with strong insecurities and problems at home. But what is the psychological profile of the other party like?

I know that my son is bullying because of his psychological profile

To know if my child is bullying , I must first learn to distinguish the characteristics of a bully. If I see that my child identifies with most of these characteristics, then it is time to see a professional.

He likes to feel superior to others


If you like to feel superior and even try to dominate children with low self-esteem and susceptible to being manipulated, we may be dealing with a bully. This does not exclude that having a child has low self-esteem. It may be the case and he disguises it by boasting of superiority to those who are weaker than him.

Also, we can intuit this type of problem at home. If, on occasions, our child gives us orders or tries to take command without realizing it, we have to be vigilant. Similarly, we must be vigilant and not overlook the fact that you believe that your opinion is the only valid one.

He is very impulsive, reacts uncontrollably

This can manifest itself, mainly, when someone points out a mistake or something that is not right, but he considers that it is. Children who are bullied tend not to tolerate frustration very well. That is why they react in such a violent way. Also, the same thing happens when you try to dialogue with them or make them understand that their truth is not the only acceptable one.

For all this, if my child is bullying , I will know it because:

  • He is intolerant.
  •  Has a very inflexible thinking.
  • Lacks empathy for others.

My child is bullying if he blackmails others

girl trying to manipulate her mother

As we mentioned before, we can sometimes detect these signs in the home. The child who tries to manipulate others may escape trying to do the same at home. Therefore, we must be alert and not let any blackmail or manipulation attempt by our son go by.

But why would he use blackmail or manipulation on his victims? To instill fear in them and grow even more, feeling powerful and above others. In fact, this deprives them of the perspective necessary to take responsibility for their own mistakes. The blame will always be on others, but never him.

They are not children’s things; let’s not overlook them

Many cases of bullying are not detected in time or come to light because they are considered “children’s things”. However, no type of violence towards another human being is justified even if the person exercising it is a minor. We have to be clear about this to be able to discern when a game is no longer a game.

There are many boys and girls who have taken their own lives for not knowing how to deal with situations that escaped their hands. They are too innocent, too small. They are still starting in the game of life and do not have the necessary tools to defend themselves. Let us not ignore blackmail, or boast of superiority that indicates that our son is an abuser with those of his age.

It is our responsibility to know the psychological profile of the bully to determine if it corresponds to that of our children and to put a stop to it. If we stop this behavior and redirect it, our children will end up perfecting their techniques and will become better bullies in their adult lives.

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