How Should Feeding In Nursing Mothers Be

Nursing mothers face all kinds of doubts related to the health of their baby. Discover how your diet should be to avoid problems in the medium and long term in its development.

Nursing mothers face all kinds of questions related to the health of their baby. This occurs most often in new mothers, but even experts have doubts. One of the main questions is about feeding in nursing mothers.

If you are going through this beautiful stage, keep reading because we will tell you some things that you should keep in mind. Remember that everything you drink and eat at this time in your life influences the health of your baby.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that this influence on your child’s health persists throughout his life. Therefore, it is vital that you provide it with really healthy nutrients. Have you thought about it?

Feeding in nursing mothers

Although many women think that this is the case, the reality is that breastfeeding mothers do not require a special diet. What they do need is a correct and healthy diet that allows them to obtain all the nutrients required by the body.

Nursing mother feeding nursing mothers

In this way, your milk will help your baby to be well nourished and to develop properly. Basically the diet must include:

The right amount of calories

Since the body will require more energy to take care of the baby and to compensate for the calories it consumes through your milk, it is ideal that you slightly increase its consumption. According to research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , you will require an extra 500 kcal a day, although it will depend a lot on the activities you do.

In case you are somewhat overweight, try to go first to a nutritionist to avoid aggravating the problem. Also, remember that exercise should be a fundamental part of the routine to regain your figure after childbirth.

If the pregnancy was complicated and you need rest, it is important that little by little you resume your routine and physical activity. Do not forget to ask your doctor about diet and activity changes that you should take into account if this is your case.

Eat foods that are really nutritious

Another thing that you should take into account when feeding nursing mothers is to carefully review the foods that appear regularly. When you are breastfeeding your baby, milk must provide all the basic nutrients for a healthy body, especially vitamin B. It has been shown that this nutrient contributes to improving the development of the child, so its presence in the diet is essential.

Protein contribution.

Ideally, the diet should be varied and include all groups. Each meal time (breakfast, lunch and dinner) must provide:

  • Proteins.
  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Seeds and natural fats.
  • Complex carbohydrates.

The best examples of these foods are:

  • Salmon.
  • Lean chicken meat.
  • Liver and other viscera (always taking care of cleanliness and quality).
  • Almonds
  • Tomato
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Kale.
  • Sardines

When choosing these foods, always opt for the most natural versions you can find. If you want to add some seasonings or flavor, use natural options like herbs or spices.

Try to avoid frozen or salted options. Although these can last longer, they also provide chemicals that your baby does not require and that can cause harm, according to a study published in BMJ .

Make sure to get vitamin D

The vitamin D it can be easily obtained with exposure to the sun. However, if you are one of the nursing mothers who are not exposed to it too much, it is advisable to take a supplement.

This vitamin is important for your baby because it guarantees the strength of the immune system and the health of the bones.

Vitamin D.

The amount of vitamin D that you should consume during the time you breastfeed your baby is 6,000 IU a day. Our recommendation is that you take a walk every day at a time when the sun is not excessive but when you do receive the sun’s rays. Just remember to apply sunscreen every so often.

To this, you can add a basic vitamin D supplement or ask your doctor if you require a specific one and thus improve your diet in nursing mothers.

Stay hydrated

The latest in feeding nursing mothers is that they must remember to consume enough water. Because milk is made up mostly of water, you need to make up for what your baby is drinking .

In this sense, it is important that you make sure you consume at least one more liter of water a day. However, if the baby drinks a lot of milk, you could require up to an extra two liters.

Improves feeding to ensure the health of the baby

During lactation it is necessary to make certain adjustments in the diet in order to prevent nutritional deficiencies that affect health. In this way, you have to prioritize the intake of fresh food over that of ultra-processed industrial ones.

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