How To Calm A Sick Child

Rest is essential to calm a sick child and promote their recovery. Although you can entertain yourself by watching your favorite shows or reading, you need to sleep to regain strength.

One of the tasks as a mother or father is to know how to calm a sick child. The first time your child falls ill is exasperating. He will cry, be surly, moody, and restless. However, this is completely normal, as discomfort is a symptom that you are not used to dealing with.

When your child feels bad, he just wants to stay home and feel your company and your pampering. Assess how sick he is and let him rest. However, you should not force him to sleep or stay still. Remember that he is irritable and the idea is to calm him in the best way.

Tips to calm a sick child

Girl with fever and thermometer

It is not easy to see him lying in bed with a fever or any pain. However, throughout your life you will have to deal with any type of illness. It does not matter if it is a simple flu or something more serious, such as dengue. You cannot be overwhelmed. You must provide the care it needs.

To calm a sick child, the first thing you should do is not despair. Don’t think it’s the end of the world either. It is one more stage, through which you are going to go through as a mother. We will give you 5 tips that you can put into practice so that your child will go away from the discomfort and can return to the routine.

1. Take him to the doctor to control the situation

Every time your child gets sick, you don’t have to rush to the doctor. However, if he has a high fever, diarrhea, vomiting or dyspnea, it is recommended that you take him to the doctor. He will be in charge of telling you, step by step, the care you should have with the child.

If the little one only has discomfort, a small headache or fatigue, you can treat it from home. In case the discomfort lasts or the headache is very bad, take it to the pediatrician. Pay attention to your common sense.

2. Talk about positive things

Talk about positive things

Your son is your reflection. If he notices you distressed by the situation, his spirits will drop and the discomfort will worsen. Avoid looking overwhelmed or sad. Talk about positive things that encourage him. For example, talk to him about the goals he can achieve if he continues to study or do his favorite sports activity.

You can also plan your next vacation together. Ask him about his dreams and how he can achieve them. You must make the most of this space. Your child will be listening carefully to you. Therefore, it is the right time to strengthen communication.

In addition, you can walk through their memories. Children love to see albums from when they were younger. Tell anecdotes about each photograph you see. If you haven’t organized his photos, tell him to help you. This way, you will be distracted and will not think as much about discomfort.

3. Let him watch the shows he likes

If you don’t know how to calm a sick child, then put him in front of a television. Children love to watch their favorite series. They get hypnotized by watching the shows they like the most. So if your child is not feeling 100 percent, television may be the right medicine.

Put on his favorite movie or show that makes him laugh the most. Try to make TV time a little more special. Join him and eat some popcorn. Of course, you should not spend all day watching programs. Establish a schedule to watch television. Remember that you must also sleep, to regain strength.

4. Make your favorite foods

Father and son laughing

Sick children usually have no appetite. They even refuse to take or eat the foods that are good for them. Even if they don’t want to eat a lot of food, get them to drink enough fluids. Therefore, in the three main intakes you should offer him something that he likes and is easy to eat.

To calm a sick child, you must prepare foods that are high in water content. For example, soups or purees. Natural juices help boost your child’s defenses, making them an excellent option. Prepare the one you like the most. Yogurts are also a good alternative, since they are delicious and provide vitamins for your child.

Don’t force him to eat foods that he doesn’t like. Remember that he is sick. The most important thing at this time is that you eat, little or a lot, but do it. If your child eats small amounts, offer food several times a day. Usually every two to three hours.

5. Make him feel very loved

Pampering your child is one of the best medicines you can apply when he is sick. It is no secret to anyone that, when you see your child in that state, you want to hug him and not let go. He also likes your hugs, although he “growls” at you sometimes. Give him lots of pampering and always let him know how much you love him.


No parent likes to see their child sick. However, calming a sick child is very easy. You must follow your mother’s intuition. That never fails. Your child, in addition to medications and constant visits to the doctor, needs a lot of love.

Help him get well with lots of hugs, his favorite foods, and let him get out of the strict routine that he carries out every day. He also gets tired and deserves to rest.

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