How To Combat Difficult Areas For Women: Buttocks, Hips And Thighs

To tone difficult areas it is very important that we adopt a balanced diet and exercise daily, combining an aerobic routine with an anaerobic one to thus get better results.

The buttocks, hips and thighs are the areas where fat is most often accumulated and, in most cases, eliminating it becomes an almost impossible task. In addition, these areas of the female body are usually paid more attention in terms of appearance.

Next, we will tell you why more fat is usually accumulated in this part of the body and what kinds of exercises and habits could help combat this problem. Take note!

Healthy diet and exercise to combat difficult areas of women

Many times, making changes to your diet is not easy at all, but it is undoubtedly the best alternative to combat difficult areas of the body. This does not mean that you should follow a proper regimen but, rather, learn to combine a good diet and a proper exercise routine.

Not only is it enough to eat a balanced diet, it is also necessary to perform physical activity on a regular basis and that it works properly and effectively the abdomen, hips and buttocks. The appropriate thing for these cases would be aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

Aerobic routine

The aerobic routine is one that includes low and medium intensity exercises, characterized by the burning of carbohydrates and the long duration. Some examples of these exercises are:

  • To run
  • To swim
  • Bicycling
  • Hiking

These types of exercises help burn fat and, in turn, by using a lot of oxygen, they keep the cardiovascular system active. In relation to this, a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology conducted on sedentary, non-diabetic, overweight or obese adults, indicates that aerobic training is optimal for reducing fat and body mass.

A good way to combine the exercises would be with low intensity sessions such as walking, every day of the week, along with medium intensity sessions, at least 3 times a week (jogging, swimming or cycling).

Anaerobic routine

Weight training exercises for beginners

On the other hand, the anaerobic routine is a very effective activity and is made up of high intensity and short duration exercises, such as:

  • Weightlifting
  • Abs routines
  • Speed ​​races
  • Bike sprints

To the low and medium intensity routines it is important to add high intensity sessions such as those mentioned, at least 2 times a week.

In this sense, it is also recommended to change exercise routines every 4 weeks. In this way, the muscles will not have time to get used to a specific exercise and, on the contrary, they will always be demanded and their toning will be more effective.

Combat the difficult areas of women with diet

Quinoa helps you lose weight

As for the diet, it is best that it be as disciplined as physical exercise. If the goal is to eliminate that stubborn fat, here are some eating tips that could help you achieve it:

Include protein

Apparently including a good dose of protein in the diet and, in turn, making sure that the proteins ingested are rich in amino acids could contribute to fat loss. The most recommended are:

  • Turkey meat
  • Tuna
  • Whey
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts.

Regulate salt

Regulating the consumption of salt is important when talking about a balanced diet, since it promotes the accumulation of fluids in difficult areas of women.

Adjust carbohydrate intake

Although it is believed that you have to eliminate carbohydrates, this is not the case. On the contrary, you have to regulate it and make sure you choose them well. Some recommended carbohydrates are: sweet potatoes, oats, quinoa, and whole grains. Furthermore, they are all sources of energy.

Stay hydrated

Water consumption is very important to keep the body hydrated. In addition, according to a publication of the American Association of Retired Persons , water helps metabolize and eliminate fat, and reduces appetite.

Eliminate unhealthy snacks

Eating between meals is important as long as it is healthy foods. To reduce anxiety you can resort to snacks with fruits. Nuts are also a good option.

Increase your fiber intake

Fiber is a natural appetite suppressant. This reduces calorie consumption, which results in weight loss.

Rest is also important

Sleeping 7-8 hours a day can be as important to weight loss as diet and exercise. This, in addition to making you have more energy to perform the exercise routine, will also cause the body to require fewer calories to function during the day.

Go ahead and try these tips to combat difficult areas of women!

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