How To Curb The Signs Of Old Age?

Everything has a life cycle and our body is no exception. However, we can not deny that we are visual beings, we like to see ourselves and feel good. That is why, to preserve ourselves, it is so important to stop the signs of old age.

In addition to aesthetics, we must bear in mind that taking care of ourselves will bring enormous benefits to our health, both mental and physical.

On the other hand, we cannot stop the passing of the years and, with it, the aging process. But we can delay it. To do this, we will name a series of recommendations below.

Other considerable damage from the signs of old age.

We must know that the deterioration caused over the years is practically irreversible. But it does not only occur in our physical part , there is also a deterioration of the senses and the mind.

Impairment of the senses

Physical appearance is not the only thing affected by the signs of old age. Many older people are less old and more vital than apparently younger people. For this reason, in order to give a diagnosis as such, we cannot ignore other aspects such as biological signs, psychological signs and symptoms; without merely concentrating on the physical.

Mental Impairment

Along with the deterioration of the senses, mental deterioration is usually one of the most common problems that old age brings . Dealing with this problem can create a wave of mixed emotions, especially in the family and those close to it.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), maintaining healthy habits throughout life, in particular eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity and abstaining from smoking, helps reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases and to improve the physical and mental faculties.

How to take care of your skin against aging?

For health and aesthetics, especially in the case of women, we always want to have healthy, smooth and wrinkle-free skin. However, we must bear in mind that we cannot buy and use any product that the market offers us, despite the benefits that advertising provides.

In any case, we must consult with our trusted dermatologist.

Next we will give you some tips to try to slow down the aging process and the signs of old age.

Caring for your hands and neck

The face is not the only part of the body that needs special care in the face of old age, since the hands and neck are also exposed to the harmful rays of the sun. These areas show signs of aging such as dark spots, dryness and loss of firmness. For this reason, we must apply abundant moisturizer and sunscreen.

Treatment against blemishes

Signs of old age


The fluctuation of hormones is one of the reasons why many adults have acne problems. However, these problems are more common in women over 40 years of age. The best practice is to use an acne- fighting cleanser all over your face and a moisturizer once a day.

Don’t rush with your skin products

The ideal is to investigate the nutrients and needs that your skin needs to slow down the appearance of wrinkles. Creams containing collagen, vitamin E, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid are very famous .

It is also important that you are consistent in the use of creams. You probably won’t see results overnight, but a good skincare routine will give you long-term results. 

Don’t use too many products at once

Creams for the signs of aging

Excess products on your skin can cause slight irritation and with this you will only get terrible results to prevent wrinkles and some spots. Try to start with just one product.

Sleep well

It is one of the most important factors, it could even be said that it is the most determining factor with respect to skin aging. If you don’t have a good night’s sleep, you will expose your skin to dark circles and a very dull complexion. That is why the recommendation is to sleep properly so that the skin regenerates .

Healthy foods that help keep the body young


Carrot juice to delay the signs of old age

Studies show that eating carrots daily can slow down premature skin aging, thanks to its high beta-carotene content. This antioxidant helps us produce vitamin A and participates in the repair of damaged skin tissues.


Despite not having a high beta-carotene content , it is very viable to reduce aging, since it has a high content of vitamin E. E sta gives a good appearance to the skin, thanks to the fact that it favors the production of collagen and helps to maintain elasticity.


blueberries to avoid the signs of old age

Berries contain antioxidants and you can choose between blueberries or black currants. Antioxidants kill free radicals that attack our skin, protecting it from aging caused by them.


Finally, it is very necessary to drink good amounts of water a day as it helps us eliminate toxins and keep our skin very soft and hydrated. It is recommended that we drink eight glasses a day; You can also get the water by consuming fruits, fresh vegetables, and coconut water.

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