How To Eat Healthy, Cheap And Fast

Many believe that, to eat healthy, you have to spend a lot of money. However, this is not quite the case. We leave you some tips so that you eat healthy and without an exorbitant budget.

In today’s life, especially in big cities, it is common to eat poorly, in a hurry and spending too much on a meal in a restaurant or fast food outlet. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to eat healthy and cheap, whether at home, in the office, or on vacation. Learn more in the following article.

Tips to eat healthy and cheap

Take advantage of breakfast

There is nothing worse than going outside on an empty stomach. The first meal of the day should be the most important and then gradually reduce your intake. By having breakfast at home, you will not only be able to start your day with your family, but you will also spend less and eat healthier.

Leave out the take-out coffees with sweets of all kinds. Much better is a full breakfast at home, with dairy, cereals and fruits. You can add ingredients little by little if you are not used to it.

Eat well in the middle of the morning

Sometimes in the office, you look at your watch and realize that it is a long time to go to lunch, but your stomach is too loud to wait. You can “cheat” him by eating something.

Pay attention because it is not worth anything. No sweets, pastries or snacks. Opt for a fruit, a cereal bar or a handful of nuts (you can take them from home and save money).

Bring food to work

Besides eating out comes out for a fortune, the food is not entirely reliable and healthy.

You may not have time to cook every day, but a good idea is to prepare one more portion at dinner so that you can take it to work. You will avoid resorting to the options that are around you, you will save yourself from paying a lot and you will eat something made by you.

food 1

Take advantage of everything

Don’t throw away what you can eat. Maybe you didn’t know it, but cooking potatoes with their skins will help you consume more of this vegetable, the same as fruit with the skin (which you can, obviously).

You can use the stalks or leaves of certain vegetables to make batters, salads and tortillas, or even stuffed. Many residues would serve us to make delicious recipes.

Look up prices

Do not get carried away by the offers, know the prices of the stores in your neighborhood. This may take more time out of your daily or weekly schedule, but it’s worth it. It is preferable to take a little longer analyzing the prices than to have to spend up to 30% more than your budget. Comfort is always more expensive. And if you are in a war economy, anything goes.

Don’t pay for the brand, but for the quality. Not always what is known is good for your health and for your pocket. You can also buy in large quantities something that you know is consumed a lot at home or that does not spoil right away, such as pasta or rice.

Use more legumes and cereals

These foods are not only very nutritious, but they are also quite productive, because they satisfy your hunger for longer. You won’t have to eat too much because your stomach will say “enough” with just one dish.

Cereals and their derivatives also offer a good amount of fiber, ideal to avoid constipation. Along with legumes, they are part of a balanced diet. And the good thing is that they are usually cheap.

Foods that can not be missing in your savings and health plan

These ingredients will help you prepare a large number of recipes; Plus, they are healthy and don’t cost that much.

Some of the most recommended are:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Quinoa
  • Cinnamon
  • Peppers
  • Green Tea
  • Fruits like watermelon, pear, apple …
  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Soup
  • Walnuts
  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Potatoes
  • Onion
  • Skimmed milk

If you want to know more about healthy eating habits, visit: Healthy eating according to WHO

How to hide vegetables in children's meals

Some of the tricks that are collected here are easily applicable in your day to day. Eating and eating a healthy and cheap diet are not incompatible things. Do you dare to check it out?

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