How To Get Healthy And Voluminous Hair?

It is normal that with all the handling, the use of products and devices on our hair makes it weaken and lose life over time. What is not normal is that we do nothing to remedy it, and that is what we will take care of in this post: we will explain how to get healthy hair with volume.

How to get healthy and voluminous hair?

1. Recover the strength in your hair

4 tips for long, healthy hair

First of all, it is very important that we act quickly on weakened and lifeless hair. This detail has a solution: what it does not have is if you let it die completely and do nothing for it.

The first thing we recommend when you notice your weak hair is that you change the cosmetics you are using.

At this point it is preferable that you look for products designed for the restructuring of hair fibers, since they will make your hair grow strong from its roots.

  • Some of the most recommended restructuring products are those formulated with arginine, a complex designed to strengthen the hair fiber.

2. Feed your hair

Hair thinning is not only caused by external factors. In this sense, there are internal factors such as genetics or hormones that, over time, lose their vitality and cause a loss of strength in our hair.

One of the ways to take care of these internal factors is with an adequate diet, through which we provide nutrients to the body so that it maintains its vitality and proper functioning and thus achieve healthy hair with volume.

These are the nutrients that should not be lacking in your diet if what you want is to maintain the vitality of your hair:

  • Iron and copper. Make sure to include foods like spinach, nuts, shellfish, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, eggs, parsley, avocado, strawberries, figs, and unsweetened chocolate in your diet. All of them maintain vitality in the scalp.
  • Vitamin B. Foods such as tuna, plain yogurts, potatoes, kale, brewer’s yeast, and turkey meat will help prevent hair loss and gray hair.
  • Zinc. Such is the case of pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, watermelon and pure or dark chocolate.

Other nutrients that you should take into account so that your hair is shiny are: vitamin E, dairy products rich in vitamin B5 and omega 3 fatty acids, present in a special way in oily fish.

Some home treatments

Hair to the side

Home remedies are never a bad idea if you are well informed. The advantage is that the ingredients of these remedies are easy to find and, in general, they are quite inexpensive.

These are some of the best home remedies to regain strength and volume in hair.

1. Gelatin to gain more volume

Thanks to its high collagen content, gelatin is one of the best ingredients for strengthening the scalp. In turn, it adds volume and density to our hair.


  • 2 tablespoons of powdered gelatin (unflavored) (20 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • 4 drops of rosemary essential oil

Preparation and application

  • Add all the ingredients to the hot water, except the gelatin. Once these dissolve, add the gelatin and wait for the mixture to acquire consistency.
  • For the application, you must pre-moisten your hair with warm water, apply the mixture and cover the head with a shower cap.
  • After 30 minutes rinse your hair with plenty of water.
  • You can apply this remedy twice a week to increase the volume of your hair.

2. Remedy with mayonnaise, aloe vera and tomato

Beautify your hair with mayonnaise masks.


  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (40 g)
  • The pulp of 1 ripe tomato

Preparation and application

  • Add all the ingredients in a bowl and beat them very well with the help of a fork until you get a homogeneous and slightly thick cream.
  • To apply, moisten your hair, spread the mixture and leave for 20 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, rinse the hair with plenty of water and use your usual conditioner.

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