How To Lose Weight When Suffering From Hypothyroidism

We must avoid those foods that hinder the absorption of iodine and prioritize the consumption of those rich in fiber, which reduce appetite and support metabolic function.

Who suffers from hypothyroidism should know that this is one of the disorders that affect the thyroid gland. This is responsible for metabolism and also for secreting several hormones important for the functioning of the body.

This condition occurs when not enough thyroid hormones are produced, which causes a decrease in the rate of metabolism and therefore, greater difficulties in maintaining an adequate and stable weight.

In most cases it affects women, especially from the age of 50; however, it can also occur at young ages and some men can develop it.

The most common cause of this disease is inflammation that damages the cells of the thyroid gland. Likewise, it can be caused by an immune system response, viral infections, or pregnancy.

Many of those diagnosed think that they only have to resign themselves to gaining weight and undergoing other changes in their health. However, it has been shown that adopting healthy lifestyle habits can counteract the negative effects to prevent a decrease in quality of life.

Below we will share some keys and data of interest around this topic. Take note!

Keys to improving nutrition

After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you have to improve your life habits and in particular, your diet, as this will be the main key to not continue to gain more kilos.

The idea is to gradually lose weight, but maintaining a diet according to the needs of the body in order to reach a healthy and stable weight.

According to experts from the Spanish Heart Foundation, there is no single diet for hypothyroidism. However, it is considered that a varied, balanced and complete diet, low in fat, can be beneficial for patients.

They also point out the importance of consulting with a nutritionist, in order to have a personalized diet, according to the needs of the body and based on short, medium and long-term objectives.

1. Choose healthy fats if you suffer from hypothyroidism

Healthy fats on a table

It is not about completely eliminating fats from the diet, but about  choosing those that are healthy and also easy to metabolize. Some of the recommended ones are:

  • Lean meats
  • White fish.
  • Olive oil.
  • Seeds.

2. Consume whole wheat flour if you suffer from hypothyroidism

All foods that contain refined flours will have to be replaced by whole wheat flour.

  • All whole foods are much healthier and  also prevent fat accumulation and increased blood sugar.

3. Increase water consumption

Drinking water helps eliminate retained fluids.

The daily consumption of water is essential to avoid dehydration and also to promote the expulsion of waste. Water consumption should never be replaced with industrial drinks of any kind.

4. Prepare light dinners

Eating before going to sleep is not a good idea, even less if it is difficult to digest foods. Therefore, if you suffer from hypothyroidism, it is best to choose to cook something light, low in fat and protein. Likewise, it is advisable to have dinner between 2 and 3 hours before going to sleep.

5. Avoid some foods if you suffer from hypothyroidism

There are certain foods that it is best to start avoiding because they contain goitrogens, that is, a substance that inhibits the absorption of iodine and also influences the malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Some foods that contain goitrogens are corn, soybeans, wheat, cantaloupe, avocado, orange, radishes, peanuts, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, or broccoli.

6. Eat more fiber if you suffer from hypothyroidism

High fiber foods are essential for all people struggling with this condition.

  • It supports digestive function and also promotes bowel movement to prevent constipation and inflammation.
  • Additionally, fiber is proven to reduce appetite and play an important role in metabolic function.

7. Exercise frequently

Woman exercising at home with a Swiss ball.

To complement the effects of the diet and achieve weight loss, it is essential to adopt a daily exercise routine that lasts at least 40 minutes.

In some cases, people decrease their physical performance, but that does not mean that they cannot exercise.

A low-impact physical activity plan also tends to have positive effects on these types of patients . Some recommended activities are:

  • To swim.
  • Running or jogging.
  • Weightlifting.
  • Bicycling.
  • Walk at a brisk pace.

8. Avoid fasting

Many people believe that fasting is an easy way to reduce your daily calorie intake; However, thinking this is a complete mistake, since every morning the body needs to recharge with energy to function during the day.

Ignoring the first meal of the day further slows down the metabolism, prevents starting the day with energy and also increases the anxiety to eat between meals.

Discipline and perseverance, two essential

Remember that motivation plays a fundamental role in achieving any goal and maintaining well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain it. For this, discipline and perseverance will be essential.

With good motivation, you will be able to maintain good life habits over time, a healthy weight and a good physical condition in general.

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