How To Make Homemade Massage Oils

There are many days when when we get home what we want the most is a good massage to relax. To do this, a good help is the use of homemade massage oils. Would you like to know the different types and learn how to make them? Find out in this article!

What are homemade oil massages for?

Therapeutic massages help relaxation by manipulating the soft tissues of the body. These help reduce muscle aches, promote the elimination of toxins and fluid retention, and improve blood and lymphatic circulation. In addition, massages not only tend to improve the appearance of the skin, but also provide a state of calm in our body and mind.

However, it is advisable to use essential oils to enjoy these benefits at home. Its main uses include the lubrication of the skin and its aroma that returns us to a state of calm.

We must bear in mind that, for the result of the massage to be more effective, it is recommended to consult with a health professional. In this way, we can delve into different issues such as the most effective technique without damaging our muscles, the type of skin that we are going to treat or even if you are allergic to any type of product.

Steps to make homemade massage oils

1. Choose your base oil

This essential oil is the initial element to start mixing with others and to get more powerful homemade oils. Those used for this are derived from vegetables and you can get them in health food or diet stores. Some of them are:

  • Grapeseed oil : It is soft and absorbent. It is usually suitable for sensitive skin, however, the use of this homemade oil should be avoided in case of allergy or irritated skin.
  • Jojoba oil:  It is a liquid wax with natural properties to moisten or repair various types of skin. It even has a slight antibacterial effect.
  • Avocado oil : Stimulates the regeneration of the skin thanks to its ingredients (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and vitamins B, E, K).
  • Almond oil : It is hydrating and contains vitamins A and E and essential fatty acids. It is valid for almost all skin types.
  • Apricot oil:  It is similar to almond oil, with a light consistency and a delicious aroma that makes it one of the best options for facial massages.
  • Wheat germ oil:  It has a good amount of vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids. It has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Hazelnut oil : It has no odor, however it has a great absorption capacity, which makes it perfect for making homemade oils.

2. Select the essential oil to mix with the previous one

They are very concentrated and cannot be applied directly to the skin because they can cause allergies or unpleasant reactions. A maximum of two or three drops should be applied.

Also, oils are very sensitive to light. Therefore  they should be stored in a dark and cool place. Thus, among the best-known options of essential oils for massages, we can highlight, among others:

  • Rosewood.
  • Geranium
  • Sandalwood.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Mint.
  • Black pepper.
  • Roses
  • Ylang ylang.
  • Jasmine.
  • Lavender.

Coconut oil

3. Mix both oils

In each case, attention must be paid to the amounts of each mixture to achieve the desired objectives :

Pleasant floral mixture for its aroma

  • 120 ml of base oil.
  • 15 drops of rosewood essential oil.
  • 10 drops of geranium essential oil.
  • 8 drops of jasmine essential oil.

Mix to relieve tension in the muscles

  • 4 drops of base oil.
  • 15 drops of sandalwood essential oil.
  • 9 drops of cinnamon essential oil.
  • 6 drops of pepper essential oil.
  • 5 drops of black pepper essential oil.

Mix to stimulate mind and body

  • 120 ml of base oil.
  • 15 drops of rose essential oil.
  • Another 15 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.
  • 15 drops of jasmine essential oil.

Apart from the uses already described above, these homemade massage oils can also be used as a moisturizer for the skin or to relieve accumulated fatigue and discomfort in the different parts of the body where we apply the massage, either on the heels, legs. or hands.

However, we must not forget that if the pain and fatigue is persistent, it is advisable to go  to a good health professional to find out the causes and reduce the pain in the muscles.

In the case of a home massage, in order to have a more desired effect, it is advisable to first warm the hands or warm the oil mixture a little.

The 10 most used oils for massage

Below we show you a list of the 10 best known massage oils as well as the properties that each one of them has:

1. Aloe vera oil

Regulates the moisture of the skin and keeps it soft, elastic and young. It is the same, it is a very moisturizing oil.

2. Almond oil

As mentioned above, it has a large amount of vitamins and essential fatty acids.

3. Chamomile oil

 Decreases stress levels and tension in muscles . It also helps combat mild disorders related to anxiety and insomnia.

4. Juniper oil

This essential oil  firms the face and stimulates the circulatory system. That is why it is ideal for those who suffer from varicose veins, for example.

5. Eucalyptus oil

It is used to relieve disorders related to arthritis and rheumatism, as well as muscle aches and colds. At the same time it relaxes our skin on both the body and the face.

6. Lavender oil

It is healing, soothing, antiseptic, treats rheumatic pain, reduces hypertension and relieves skin infections, wounds and insect bites.

7. Lemon oil

It has aphrodisiac properties and is used to eliminate bad energy. It can be substituted for any citrus in general.

8. Melissa oil

It is an excellent relaxing tonic that serves to reduce accumulated tension. Therefore, it is the perfect ally for our greatest stressful days.

9. Orchid oil

This type of oil is perfect to relax and hydrate our skin.

10. Sandalwood oil

This oil acts against the dryness of the skin. Therefore, our skin will remain soft and hydrated for longer.

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