How To Organize The Fridge To Make Food Last Longer

Learn how to organize the fridge to make food last longer in the following article. Also, learn how to clean and maintain it properly.

The fridge is a very important space in our kitchen, it allows food to stay fresh and last longer in good condition. So organizing the fridge is vital.

It is essential, then, to leave it well organized and take care to place the containers and containers accordingly. In this article we invite you to learn how to organize the fridge so that food lasts longer.

It is essential not to fill it with very nutritious food, but it is also necessary to take care of its hygiene and order. Not only so that it is beautiful “in sight”, but to make it easier to find a food or know what is missing to buy.

Order in the fridge

Good organization in your fridge is vital so that the temperature is evenly distributed and there are no areas where it is colder than others. The correct storage of each product can also play a role. Organizing the fridge indoors is the first step.

To do this, keep in mind:

  • The freshest foods should be placed on top, such as dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, etc.).
  • At the door it is advisable to place dressings, preserves, jams and jellies and drinks that are open. This will keep them for a longer time and there will be no problem with the temperature changes that happen every time the fridge is opened.
  • In the lowest part of the refrigerator you should place the meat, fish, cold cuts and sausages. It is always better that they are in a container with a lid, to prevent liquids from spilling.
  • Fruits and vegetables should be arranged in the drawers, in case the freezer is on the top of the fridge, because otherwise, green leafy vegetables can easily burn from the cold.
  • Foods must be located according to their expiration date, if you have several of the same type, those that are quicker to expire are always placed in front of those that have more useful time.
  • Do not overload the refrigerator shelves in an unbalanced way.  This will limit the circulation of cold air, which will be distributed unevenly, which can affect the preservation of food.

Replace the shelves and drawers and proceed to introduce the food, always taking into account the different temperatures that the refrigerator has in each area. The coldest is the one closest to the freezer.


The ideal temperature is between 3 and 5 ° C. Try not to let the containers or food touch each other and not “bump” against the walls of the fridge. Thus, the air will circulate better and each thing will receive the cold it needs.

  • Do not put food in when it is hot, for example, if you just took it out of the oven or from the fire. Wait for them to reach room temperature to avoid the fridge having to do more work to cool the new member. Also, the sudden change in temperature can be bad for the same food.

Other tips for good “health” from the fridge

  • Do not fill it to the top and do not allow food to touch the walls or door, or each other.
  • Store leftovers from dinner in containers.
  • Order every time you arrive to make the purchase.
  • Label your food.
  • Repeat the cleaning process once a month.
  • Distribute the food according to the specific areas according to your requirements.
  • Change plastic containers for glass ones to better preserve food and not alter its flavor.
  • Store the herbs (basil, parsley, mint, rosemary, etc.) on a damp paper towel.
  • Do not put the potatoes in the fridge, nor do the tomatoes or onions.
  • Fruits can be placed loosely in drawers and vegetables can be stored in bags with holes for them to “breathe”.

Follow these simple tips and have a neater refrigerator, helping you find food more quickly, taking into account expiration dates, in order to maintain better hygiene at home.

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