How To Permanently Eliminate Blackheads

There are some cosmetic facial cleansing products that allow us to extract blackheads that appear in some areas of the face, especially the nose, forehead and chin. However, in a short time they appear again and we have to repeat the treatment …

In this article we explain what you have to do to eliminate these impurities permanently.

Diet against impurities

Blackheads are impurities that the body wants to eliminate through the skin. In effect, it is about clogging of the pores due to sebaceous production. Excess fat accumulates and the sebaceous gland is not able to drain fast enough. For this reason, it gets dirty and takes on that characteristic black color of blackheads.

These toxins and fats are usually caused, for the most part, by an inadequate diet, rich in harmful fats. Therefore, if we want to end blackheads permanently, we must start by eliminating from our diet all those foods that cause them :

  • Sausages and red meat.
  • High-fat dairy products, such as whole milk, melting cheeses, creams, creams, ice creams, etc.
  • Fried and precooked foods.

We must also reduce the consumption of sugars and refined flours.

Healthy fats

Instead, we should increase the consumption of the following foods:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, in salads, juices and cooked.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Vegetables.
  • Whole grains.
  • Foods rich in healthy fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, ghee, oily fish, nuts, etc.

Drinking water is essential

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to cleanse the skin from the inside and prevent blackheads is to drink enough water throughout the day, outside of meals.

We should drink between a liter and a half and two liters, that is, between 6 and 8 glasses a day. We can start the day by drinking two glasses of water on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and the rest take mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

  • If we find it difficult to drink water, we can add lemon  and a few drops of stevia extract to sweeten it.
  • Another trick is to always have a bottle of water on hand wherever we are, both at home and at work.
  • Third, if it is difficult for us to drink because we do not feel thirsty, we can also do some intense sport, which will cause us to need to drink more.

Homemade scrub

aloe vera

As the body adapts to new eating habits, we can help our skin to eliminate impurities and regenerate more easily if we exfoliate once a week.

We can buy a scrub, but these products often include ingredients that are too harsh on the skin. For this reason, we suggest you make a homemade scrub focused on removing blackheads.


  • Aloe vera gel
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Lemon essential oil


  • First, we will mix the same amount of aloe vera gel and baking soda and we will add 10 drops of lemon essential oil for every 50 grams of product.
  • Later, we will keep this scrub in a hermetically closed glass jar.
  • If the aloe vera gel is fresh, we will keep it in the fridge for a maximum of two weeks (two or three applications).
  • On the contrary, if the aloe vera gel is commercial we can keep it for two months.


    • First, we will wash and dry the face and apply this scrub to the areas with blackheads. We will avoid sensitive or dry areas.
    • Next, we will gently massage in a circular motion for about 30 seconds.
    • Then we’ll let it act for a minute.
    • Next, we will wash and dry the face.
    • To finish, we will apply the usual toner and moisturizing lotion.

    Trick with lemon peel

    Lemon peel

    Lemon peel has amazing properties, both for use and consumption. In this case, we suggest you use the peeling to spread it on the areas with blackheads before going to bed, rubbing the inner part of the peeling gently.

    You can keep the peels for 3 days in the fridge, or you can freeze them to always have them ready. Thus, you will help to close the pores thanks to the cold temperature.

    However, you should take into account some precautions and warnings about this remedy. First of all, it is not a remedy fully endorsed by dermatologists and, in addition, it can cause burning, itching and dry skin. On the other hand, clean the skin well if you are going to expose yourself to the sun and before you have applied the lemon.

    For all these reasons, before applying lemon peel to your skin, we advise you to consult your dermatologist about this remedy.

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