How To Prepare Natural Scrubs For The Lips

The skin of the lips is too sensitive and, for this reason, it  is normal for most to present some type of dryness or cracking at some point in their lives. In fact, some external factors such as UV rays from the sun and pollution are especially harmful to the lips, forming unsightly and painful peels.

In any case, in some cases it is not enough to hydrate them through the use of balms or lotions, so it is necessary to look for other alternatives. Exfoliation is one of those treatments that can be given on a regular basis to remove dead cells and promote their renewal.

Although currently on the market they are available in different presentations, in this case we want to share a series of natural, cheaper and safer solutions.

Honey, olive oil and brown sugar scrub

Honey, olive oil and brown sugar scrub

Honey is a very gentle ingredient on the skin, ideal for hydrating and boosting its natural restoration.

Precisely, combined with olive oil and brown sugar, it is a simple exfoliator to remove dead skin while providing moisture.


  • A tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (4.6 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of brown sugar (5 g)
  • 3 drops of essential oil

What should you do?

  • In a clean container, mix all the ingredients until you get a thick paste.
  • Extend it with gentle circular massages and let it act for 5 minutes.
  • Repeat its application twice a week.

Coconut oil and brown sugar revitalizing

Coconut oil is a spectacular product in everything that has to do with beauty, after all, it is very hydrating and has antibiotic properties that help prevent infections. It also contains antioxidants and nutrients that lessen the impact of free radicals.


  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (10 g)

What should you do?

  • Mix the two ingredients until you get a thick paste.
  • Apply it on the skin of the lips with gentle massages and leave it on for 3 minutes.
  • Rinse and repeat two or three times a week.

Exfoliating coffee lip tonic

Coffee scrub

Leftover after brewing is an excellent option for exfoliating almost any part of the body.

In this case we combine it with a little olive oil to make it more suitable for the skin of the lips.


  • 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)

What should you do?

  • First of all, combine the two ingredients until you get a thick paste.
  • Next, apply the product to the skin of the lips with a gentle massage.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water and use twice a week.

Vaseline sugar scrub

Petroleum jelly is a hydrating ingredient that helps repair damaged skin while helping to remove dead cells.

This remedy combines it with sugar to make it more effective in eliminating those skins and impurities.


  • 1 tablespoon of Vaseline (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (5 g)

What should you do?

  • Mix the petroleum jelly with the sugar in a bowl and apply it on the lips.
  • Let it act for 5 minutes, rinse and use it two or three times a week.

Baking soda preparation

Another good ally to remove dead skin is baking soda. In truth, this product cleanses, protects and helps repair damage caused by free radicals.


  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)
  • 5 drops of olive oil

What should you do?

  • Mix the baking soda with the honey and then add the olive oil.
  • Spread the product on the lips with a gentle massage and leave it to act for a couple of minutes.
  • Rinse and use once a week.

Lemon exfoliating toner

Lemon scrub

The astringent and antibacterial properties of lemon make it an ideal ingredient for preparing beauty treatments. Its regular use on the lips encourages their regeneration and prevents cracking.


  • Half a teaspoon of lemon juice (10 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of white sugar (5 g)

    What should you do?

    • First, mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste. Add a little water if you consider it necessary.
    • Next, take a small amount and rub it on your lips.
    • Subsequently, let it act for 5 minutes and rinse.
    • Use it two or three times a week.

    Women rarely exfoliate their lips on a regular basis. In any case, if from now on they start to do it, they  will be able to notice in a short time that they look healthier and more beautiful.  

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