How To Take Care Of The Eyebrows Based On The Shape Of The Face?

The eyebrows are an element of great power in the face. They confer expressiveness, frame the gaze and bring balance to the features ; therefore, they help to highlight our natural beauty.

And contrary to popular belief, brushing them is not enough to take advantage of their full potential. It is necessary to know how to outline them depending on the type of face.

Image experts do not stop remembering that each type of face requires a very specific shape of eyebrows in order to look harmonious and radiant. To do this, each and every one of the lines that define the face must be taken into account.

Although there have been many fashions in which the type of eyebrow is completely modified, regardless of the shape of the face, today it is well known that it is best to make a few strategic adjustments to shine.

For example, in some cases, it is enough to raise the end of the eyebrow a little to achieve a more lively look.

1. Round or square face

Although at first glance they may have some similarity, square faces are not the same as round ones. Obviously, a square face will have round lines while a square face will have a marked straight line in the jaw and chin area.

Despite these differences, when it comes to eyebrows, both round and square faces will look much better with the same type of eyebrow.

  • Square and round faces look more attractive with long, slightly arched eyebrows – almost triangular in shape.
  • The eyebrows should be a little thicker in the area near the eyebrow and a little thinner at the end of it, towards the temple area.
  • The most important thing to give that magical and spectacular touch is that the eyebrows describe a long line.

2. Heart-shaped face

Heart-shaped faces are one of the most versatile out there. And when it comes to the eyebrows, you don’t have to work too hard.

  • They should be slightly arched, but not quite describing the triangular “peak” of the round and square faces.
  • They can look fine or quite populated, however, it is important to keep in mind that the thinner the eyebrows, the more evident the signs of age will be with the passage of time.
  • To get well-stylized eyebrows, it is best to have an upward shape. This will greatly favor the look and also the cheekbones.


3. Elongated face

Since the cheekbone line is hardly marked on long faces, it is necessary to mark a visual limit with the eyebrows. The strategy is as follows:

  • Instead of pronouncing the arch of the eyebrows, you should try to make them as straight as possible so that they describe a horizontal line on the face that helps to mark the gaze and cheekbones.
  • Unlike round or square faces, oval faces do not need to show excessively long eyebrows, but rather, short ones. .

4. Oval face

Oval faces can sport both highly arched and completely horizontal eyebrows. In this case, the important thing is the thickness of the eyebrow, which must always be kept in the middle.


Tips to take care of your eyebrows

  • Always take care of the ends of the eyebrows. The side that is on the temple should always be a little thinner than the rest of the eyebrow.
  • With a little makeup you can make certain corrections. For example, fill in the less crowded areas of your eyebrows with a little shadow or a pencil in the shade that most closely matches the natural color of your hair.
  • Comb the area closest to the browbone upwards.
  • Highlighters are a key piece when it comes to showing off our eyebrows. Remember to apply a point of light right at the end of these and blur it well; that way you define it much more and add a touch of light to your look.
  • To prevent them from messing up, you can apply a little clear brow mascara. Avoid using hairspray and nail polish at all costs as they can irritate the skin.

It is time for you to stand in front of the mirror and identify well what type of face you have to be able to define your eyebrows well and score points in harmony and beauty.

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