Ice Cold Water For The Feet

Cold water can be a great remedy when we notice our feet sore from fatigue and stress. Hence, oriental medicine warns us that on the soles of our feet we have a large number of nerve endings that connect with the rest of our body.

Therefore, they represent a door to well-being that we cannot despise. It is also the best way to access our immune system. As we know, this is in charge of keeping us protected against external threats, but also internal ones.

In this sense, soaking your feet in ice cold water is very convenient to fight against any condition.

Benefits of being exposed to cold temperatures

cold water-for feet

You sure know how vaccines work. They introduce the virus or disease to you so that your body develops a shield that prevents you from contracting it in the future. Following this reasoning, it seems reasonable to resort to cold water for the feet to prepare for winter.

Moreover, it stimulates blood flow. There is a vascular contraction that causes the capillaries to facilitate blood circulation. The legs suffer a lot from problems of this type: although it is easy for the fluids to go down to the feet, it is more complicated for the reverse process to be done. In gravity is the key.

Therefore, using cold water with ice for the feet will be a great improvement to avoid inflammation, edema and related pain, according to this study carried out by the University of Extremadura (Spain).

Nevertheless, it is good that you do it with discipline and with a method . This way you can enhance all its benefits and eliminate the possibility of any complication occurring.

How to use ice cold water for feet

wet feet

The treatment that we are going to present you is designed for 15 days. It is better to  do it at night, so that your body relaxes and takes advantage of all its benefits. You will not need to invest a lot of time: you will only have to dip your feet for 15 seconds.

What do you need

  • A bucket or basin, with the appropriate measurements for your feet and deep enough to submerge them under the ice.
  • Water.
  • 18 ice cubes.

How to do it

  • Once you have everything ready, just wait for the water to cool completely. Put your feet in the water until it covers them.
  • During the first few seconds, you will feel pain but you should not worry, as your limbs will heat up quickly in the water.

It is the law of thermodynamics: the hotter body provides heat to the colder one, until they reach the same temperature. After 15 seconds, take them out.

As we said, with this simple operation your body will oxygenate itself better. So your muscles, bones and organs will have all the food they need. On the other hand, you will be arming yourself against the attack of microbes and bacteria that always swarm through the air, waiting to find you off guard.

Soaking your feet in ice cold water also cures


So far we have seen that it is a tool that helps us prevent future ills. When you are going through these processes, repeat the same operation for 4 hours.

In addition to reducing fever quickly, it  is believed that our immune system will react fiercely to infection and germs. This is suggested by this study carried out by the Carolina University (Czech Republic).

It is, therefore, a simple and cheap way to “keep at bay” the conditions that threaten your daily work. In addition, you can rest and relax your feet to face the next day with renewed energy. It will help you disconnect and mark the exact moment when time begins for you. Obligations are over.

It’s your moment, do you want to try it?

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