Improves Digestion With Ginger, Turmeric And Cumin

Improves digestion in the healthiest, most effective and simple way. Incorporate some foods such as ginger, turmeric, and cumin into your diet .

It is essential to change eating habits. You can substitute foods that do not give us anything and that even harm our digestion, for those that make it easier for us and make us feel much better every day.

Find out below why ginger, turmeric and cumin are so beneficial, as well as the most original and beneficial ways to incorporate them into your regular recipes.

Improve digestion

How many people suffer gas, heaviness, heartburn, reflux, constipation, etc. too often?

They are digestive disorders that can appear, at first, occasionally after meals, but that, over time, can become more and more frequent.

The sooner we start to change the bad habits that harm us, the more in time we will be to avoid serious health problems.

Improve digestion on a daily basis by consuming healthy foods, low in salt and, preferably, seasoned with healthy spices.

See also: 12 home remedies for constipation

Ginger improves digestion

Ground ginger improves digestion

Ginger is an exotic spice that is increasingly popular in cuisines around the world, thanks to its many properties.

Its digestive virtues make it an essential food in daily cooking. With the use of this spice in food we will benefit the whole family.

Women should take it even more into account, since it supports many functions of the female body.

This root of Asian origin has a refreshing, sweet and quite spicy flavor. The part that we consume is the rhizome, which can be obtained fresh or powdered.

Ginger facilitates the production of digestive enzymes and fights gastric acidity. Including it in our diet is an excellent way to prevent and treat gastritis and ulcers, according to an article published in the magazine “Food & Function.” Lastly, it also calms nausea and prevents vomiting.

Tips to take advantage of ginger as a digestive

  • In infusion, before and after meals.
  • As a condiment in stews, meats, fish, sautéed vegetables, soups, creams, rice, sauces, etc.
  • In juices, lemonades and smoothies.
  • In cakes, cookies and sweets of all kinds.

Turmeric would protect against some digestive pathologies

Turmeric, an ancient remedy

Few foods are said to be as antioxidants as turmeric. It is a spice whose name, originally, means saffron, because it is a powerful culinary coloring.

  • It is increasingly known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, immune, etc.
  • It also fights pain, respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

In addition, it is a very complete digestive remedy for the following reasons:

  • It would stimulate gastric secretions, which would improve the digestion of what we consume.
  • It would fight bloating and help expel gas from the intestine.
  • Stimulates the appetite of inappetent people.
  • It reduces the incidence of esophageal and gastric pathologies, according to an article published in the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences”.

Tips for taking advantage of turmeric

  • We can add it in small quantities to stews, soups, creams, rice, pasta, legumes, etc. It will also give a striking yellow color to recipes and improve the organoleptic properties of the food.
  • In juices and smoothies.
  • In capsules or tablets, after consulting your doctor.

Cumin and its effect on digestion

This spice is less used than the previous ones. However, this is also due to ignorance of its beneficial properties.

Cumin seeds were already used in ancient Egypt to prevent the appearance of gases and facilitate digestion, so it is essential for those who suffer from flatulence or to add to recipes that include flatulent foods.
Currently, the scientific literature advocates the use of cumin to reduce the populations of the potentially harmful bacteria E. coli  in the intestinal tract.

Tips to take advantage of cumin

  • In stews and stews that include legumes, vegetables from the cabbage family or mixtures of several different foods.
  • In spiced breads and cookies.
  • Consume it in cold creams such as hummus or chickpea cream.
  • In infusion, boiling the seeds for 5 minutes and letting them rest for another 5.
  • In capsules or tablets.

About the consumption of these spices!

Although these spices can improve us to moderate the consumption of salt when preparing different meals, as well as improve certain discomforts or prevent the appearance of gastrointestinal disorders, it is advisable to inform yourself well about their contraindications before starting their consumption. regular. And in the case of having any chronic pathology, the ideal is to consult with the doctor before including any spice or food in the diet.


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