Is Love Old Or Not?

Thinking that love is old is a way of limiting it and not letting it flow at its best. We will tell you all about it in the next article.

Many people deny the fact that love is old and yet they are too scrupulous in this regard when they dare to start a relationship. This happens because they still carry various prejudices that incapacitate them when it comes to recognizing love when they have it in front of them. Expectations that are too high are not real, but simply chimeras.

There is no reason to be afraid of a relationship because of age. It is better to let yourself be carried away and guided by the heart, as long as we know that the person we are with is to be trusted.

Let’s go deeper.

Are you worried about “what will they say”?

You have probably noticed someone much older (or someone much younger). Both you and the other person are of legal age, but you feel that you are doing something horrible, although you do not understand why. Sometimes, the fact that a relationship breaks down is not because of age, but because in your mind you have always believed that everything would go wrong.

Society tells you, your friends do too, and even if you don’t want to admit it, they have influenced you in an important way. Unfortunately, what other people say matters to you. And this is a huge mistake.

They may advise you, but they will not live your life. Your path is different, and you must travel it, making the decisions you consider based on your own impressions, not on other people’s judgments.

Is Love Old Or Not?

Concerns about the age difference

Some questions that most affect one when thinking about this topic are the following …

1. When he is older I may have to take care of him

This is one of the first ideas that usually comes to mind. However, you can also date someone your own age and have an accident make them dependent on you for life.

The difference is that one circumstance is due to an accident and the other to a natural cause. Should this matter in love?

2. He is more mature than me

Maturity, many times, does not imply a certain number of years. There are very immature people at 40 and very mature people at 20. Be that as it may, maturity should not be a negative thing, but an incentive. 

If you are looking for a serious relationship, someone mature will be much more suitable than someone your age who just wants to go from flower to flower or who is not ready to commit. It depends on you and your circumstances.

3. It will stop attracting me

Is Love Old Or Not?

You have no idea if this will ever happen. It may be the other way around! Also, keep in mind that you too will continue to have your birthday and one day, you will grow old.

This is life. If he stops attracting you as you get older, it may serve to realize that you weren’t so in love. However, if you continue to love him even after the years have passed, it is because there is real love.

4. I will stop attracting you

As in the previous point, you must stop thinking that it will break your heart as soon as the first wrinkles appear. It denotes a huge lack of self-esteem, so work on it and love yourself.

If he breaks up with you because of that, you may have gotten someone who did not suit you off your back.

5. I will not fit in with your friends, and the other with mine.

Again, you can err. You don’t have to share the same friendships to have a beautiful and satisfying relationship. If your friends love you, they will accept you and help you feel comfortable when you are with you.

In the same way, surely his friends will do the same with you. The incompatibility can happen in any couple of the same age in which both have friends with whom the other does not fit. Years are almost always a mere excuse.

6. What if he wants children and I’m not ready yet?

Is Love Old Or Not?

Children are always the decision of both. If you are terrified by the idea of ​​becoming a father or mother at this time, the important thing is to talk about it with the other and express your point of view. He must understand that you do not feel ready or that you are very young.

If you accept it, there will be no problem. If it pressures you or makes you feel bad, it is best to leave the relationship, because it is obvious that you are in different moments of your life. You will make each other unhappy.

Love has an age if you put it on

Love only has an age if you put it on it and if you allow yourself to be carried away by prejudices that do not have to be fulfilled. It is necessary to try to free yourself from all those beliefs that will prevent you from enjoying a pure, healthy and natural love.

To belittle a feeling as beautiful as falling in love based on the years, the only thing that denotes is a total superficiality. You only have one life, so go for what makes you happy. What others think should not matter to you.

Fight for what you consider and do not put limits on what you feel. Take the opportunity, you never know where the great love of your life may appear.

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